Make a proper examination of conscience before going to confession

Q. We are told that we must make a proper examination of conscience before going to confession. First, what does that mean exactly in the Church’s teaching? And, what are some good ways to do it properly?
A. It is true that to make a good confession we first need to examine our conscience. There are five steps to a good confession:
1. Examination of conscience;
2. Contrition;
3. Purpose of Ammendment;
4. Confession;
5. Satisfaction.
When we examine our conscience, we should ask the Holy Spirit for the light and grace to know ourselves honestly.
We can search our heart, review our actions and words, deeds and omissions to judge if they were in accord with right Christian behavior. Many people find it helpful to read and reflect on an examination of conscience that follows the outline of the Ten Commandments.
Many Catholic prayer books and mobile apps have examinations of conscience to help you.