The Troubling Case of Cardinal Kasper...

These Last Days News - October 28, 2014

"The Eternal Father has given mankind a set of rules, and in discipline they must be obeyed.  It behooves Me to say that My heart is torn by the actions, the despicable actions, of My clergy.  I unite, as your God, man and woman into the holy state of matrimony.  And what I have bound together no man must place asunder.  And what do I see but broken homes, marriages dissolved through annulments! It has scandalized your nation, and it is scandalizing the world.  Woe to the teachers and leaders who scandalize the sheep!" - Jesus to Veronica Lueken, May 3, 1978

1 Peter 5 reported on October 3, 2014:

“And I say to you, that whosoever shall put away his wife, except it be for fornication, and shall marry another, committeth adultery: and he that shall marry her that is put away, committeth adultery.” - Jesus (Matthew 19:9)

“It’s now a new situation of a marriage. They are living together, they love each other, and to say every sexual act is sinful, that’s different. If you tell people who do it this way, and they do it in a responsible way, to tell them that’s adultery, permanent adultery, I think they would feel insulted and offended.” - Cardinal Walter Kasper, CNS News Interview, October, 2014

It is difficult to understand how a Catholic Cardinal could take it upon himself to contradict the explicit teaching of Christ. And yet here we have perhaps the plainest evidence to date that Cardinal Walter Kasper, Bishop-emeritus of the German diocese of Rottenburg-Stuttgart, has done exactly this. In a short video interview with Catholic News Service, Cardinal Kasper makes clear his disdain for the divinely revealed truth that individuals who divorce and remarry are guilty of the sin of adultery.