Television... A Weapon Of Mass Destruction

27 February 2015 to Tenderheart, CanadaResultado de imagen de television

Children of My Divine Heart,

I yearn for your love. I Am. I Am the Great I Am. I Am the Author of All Things. Open your hearts to Me. Surrender at once. Give Me permission to transfigure you into vessels of grace for humanity.

O My Little Ones, do you recognize the signs I send? 

Do you pray for discernment, and seek My divine will each day? 

Do you make every effort to please Me? 

Have you made changes to your routines, and put an end to Satan's control over your lives. 

Beloved, abandon the ways of the world. 

Make time for prayer. 

Those who refuse to pray will not cross into My Kingdom of Love. You must obey Me, and place Me above all else. 

I will not settle for scraps. Give Me your best. 

Give Me your time, and honor Me in all that you say, think, and do. Return to Me. 

Rid yourselves of luxuries, and technologies

Have you not noticed that all news falls under censorship? Are you so easily blinded by your governments? Do not trust men, My Little Ones. They have their own agendas. Trust Me.

Pray without ceasing, and do not believe everything you hear. 

Be warned. Television is Satan's greatest toy. 

Do not think this invention worthwhile. It is a weapon of mass destruction. 

Be holy. Lead a more simple existence. Be content with less.

 I leave you My kiss of peace. Shalom