Vaccine toxins are disrupting the delicate balance in the brain and body

Mary Tocco Interview 

I’d like to stay on the subject of ingredients in vaccines because I was astounded when I saw the list on your website. I mean, “Chicken and duck embry” and “Human diploid cells from human aborted fetal tissue”. My god! I bet the average person has no idea about these ingredients. Their doctor probably doesn’t even know about them either. So what’s the actual theory behind what goes into vaccines and is there any real, substantiated proof that they even work?

First off, vaccine ingredients used to be a big secret, now we can Google the package inserts or search a website for this information. Most of the toxic ingredients are preservatives or adjuvants that go into all vaccines. In immunology, an adjuvant is an agent that may stimulate the immune system and increase the response to a vaccine so that less vaccine is needed. They are intended to improve the production of antibodies to the viruses, thus resulting in some form of immunity. According to Gupta et al. (1993) “some of the side effects can be ascribed to an unintentional stimulation of different mechanisms of the immune system… they are highly variable in terms of how they affect the immune system and how serious their adverse effects are, due to the resultant hyper-activation of the immune system.” I believe that the adjuvants are the #1 reason for vaccine injury. Most are known toxins that we would never “eat” but for some reason, they are O.K. to “inject” via vaccines! I often hear doctors defending the presence of aluminium or thimerosal in a vaccine saying that, “We get more mercury in breast milk or tuna!”
But the facts are…

(1.) It is not right to compare eating (ingesting) to injecting. When we eat foods that contain toxins, our gut is designed to eliminate (chelate) those toxins. When you bypass the gut and inject into the muscle, you are exposing those viruses and other ingredients to the blood system, muscles, tissues, organs and eventually they make their way to the brain. By injecting, you bypass all normal protection, leaving all organs and tissues vulnerable. Our brain is only partially protected by the blood-brain barrier and scientific evidence is proving that these toxins (thimerosal and aluminium) are getting into the brain. 

(2.) Mercury we ingest when eating fish is methyl mercury and the mercury (Thimerosal) used in vaccines is ethyl mercury. National Institutes of Health (2005) said this about ethyl mercury... “Ethyl mercury is more toxic than methyl mercury because it crosses the blood-brain barrier quicker and converts to inorganic mercury. This inorganic mercury is most difficult to excrete and stays in the brain longer and in higher levels.”  The CDC doctors compare the two as though they are equal and imply that they are safe to inject. I call this double talk to confuse the issue. There is not one study showing it is safe to inject toxic adjuvants in humans. I cover this extensively in my DVD and in my lectures.
I will close with a quote from U.S. top mercury researcher, Boyd Haley, PhD department of chemistry, University of Kentucky (2001), “A single vaccine given to a six pound newborn (containing thimerosal) is the equivalent of giving a 180 pound adult 30 vaccinations on the same day”.

In response to the second part of this question... are vaccines even effective in protecting, I will say this...  

(1.) Vaccines will never offer the same protection that natural immunity offers. According to Dr. Stephen Marini, immunologist, PhD biologist and chiropractor, vaccines are based on an “out-dated understanding of the immune system”. We began vaccinating over 80 years ago and scientifically, we knew little or nothing about the immune system. I quote Dr. Marini and other immunologists in my lectures because they expose how little modern medicine understands immunity and how flawed the theory of vaccinology really is. Most doctors do not even know the university immunology text books were rewritten in 1995 to reflect our newer understanding. To summarize... vaccines suppress the immune system so that it is unable to “express” the illness and as a result, we are causing dozens of new chronic illnesses. We are altering human DNA and RNA by vaccinating like no other time in history and I believe it is an experiment on the human race. 

(2.) There are outbreaks across the country in fully-vaccinated children for the illnesses they have been vaccinated for! The media wants to blame this on the un-vaccinated but statistics do not lie. Referencing the Pertussis (whooping cough) outbreaks in 2010-2011 in California and other states which propelled the huge campaign to vaccinate everyone, including adults, here is a quote from the doctor in charge of investigating the outbreak, Dr. David Whitt, infectious disease specialist at the Kaiser Permanente Medical Center, San Rafael, California... “Early 2010, a spike in cases appeared at Kaiser Permanente in San Rafael, and it was soon determined to be an outbreak of whooping cough — the largest seen in California in more than 50 years”. Witt had expected to see the illness target unvaccinated kids, thinking they are more vulnerable to the disease. “We started dissecting the data. What was very surprising was the majority of cases were in fully vaccinated children. That’s what started catching our attention.”

In my DVD and in my lecture I show graphs and charts of major outbreaks across the nation in fully vaccinated children for pertussis, chickenpox, measles and rubella. Vaccines do not work. They are causing more illness in this generation of children including, but not limited to: Autism, asthma, allergies (food) Crohn’s and gut disorders, seizure disorders, ADHD, learning problems, SIDS, diabetes, depression and other mental disorders. Vaccine toxins are disrupting the delicate balance in the brain and body and I fear for this whole generation of children.