Always, what I allow is for the greater good of my children…

Published by  Isaiah 11:11, 12:1 On that day the Lord will extend his hand yet a second time to recover the remnant that is left of his people [. . .] You will say on that day: I will give thanks to you, O Lord, for though you were angry with me, your anger turned away, and you comforted me.
“Beloved child I am about to do what has been foretold since the days of antiquity. Be not afraid. Always, what I allow is for the greater good of my children. For your part, remain steadfast. Do not waver to the left or to the right but cling to the Truth with all your might. Let your will be firm and do not be swayed. The enemy knows your weakness and will use it against you. Remain steadfast. 

Lock arms with those who also wish to remain steadfast. Together your resolve is strengthened and is indeed greater than the sum of its parts. The time is upon you when you will be tested and tried in ways unimagined. Be firm. Pray for strength. Remain humble and let our Mother lead you. There is a strength in humility that cannot be gained in any other way. 

Imitate me as I stood trial. Everything I did had purpose and meaning—even my silent submission to the cruelty of others. Live in my will and you will not be put to shame. I am near to all who suffer on my account. Trust in me and you will see my glory.”