Miracles of Our Lady

26. A brother of the confraternity of Mary was one day invited by a friend to dine with him. He accepted the invitation, but wished to go, first of all, to a meeting of the confraternity; after which he forgot his promise. His friend was so much offended at this, that, meeting him, he was going to take his life; but, by a just judgment of God, he wounded and killed himself instead. As the brother was believed to be guilty of this crime, he was immediately taken before a court of justice and sentenced to death. He recommended himself to the Blessed Virgin, and she inspired him to beg to be led into the presence of the dead body, and then asked him how he had died. His former friend confessed that he had died by his own hands; and the brother was set at liberty.

    28. Another brother of the confraternity, a fisherman in Naples, was ill for several days in consequence of the severity with which he had taken the discipline. As soon as he was somewhat recovered, being poor and having a family, he returned to his usual occupation, but at the same time said to the most Blessed Virgin, 'Lady, it is on thy account that I have sustained this loss: help me.' Mary did so, and caused him to take, on that occasion, as much fish as he could have taken during the whole time of his illness.

     30. A young man, who was a member of the confraternity of the Blessed Virgin, left it, and abandoned himself to a dissolute life. One. night the devil appeared to him in a frightful form. He began to invoke our Blessed Lady. 'In vain,' said the enemy, 'dost thou invoke her whom thou hast abandoned; thy crimes have made thee mine.' The young man, trembling, fell upon his knees, and began to recite the formula of the brothers: 'Most holy Virgin Mother,' etc. The Mother of God then appeared. At her presence the devil took flight, leaving a dreadful stench and a hole in the wall. Mary then turned towards the young man and said, 'Thou didst not deserve my help; but I wish to show thee mercy, that thou mayest change thy life and rejoin the confraternity.'

    31. In Braganza there was another young man, who, after giving up the confraternity, abandoned himself to so many crimes that one day, in despair, he went to drown himself in a river; but before doing so, he addressed Our Blessed Lady, saying, 'O Mary, I once served thee in the confraternity; help me.' The most Blessed Virgin appeared to him, and said: 'Yes, and now what art thou going to do? Dost thou wish to lose thyself both in soul and body? Go, confess thy sins, and rejoin the confraternity.' The young man, encouraged hereby, thanked the Blessed Virgin, and changed his life.