My graces flow down to you.

February 16, 2004 Jesus  

Listen to My voice as I call to you. Dear soul, entangled in the darkness of this world, it is to you I cry out. I am your Sav- ior. I am calling to you loudly now because the time for you to hear My Voice has arrived. No longer should you turn away from Me. Dear soul of the Kingdom, you belong with your family. Who is your family, you ask. We are your family. 

You have a great many souls here on earth who will love you but you must come back to Christianity. Christianity is simply the following of Christ. And who is this Christ? I am this Christ. I am Jesus, who died on the cross for you. My sacrifice made it possible for you to enjoy heaven. Let me tell you about Me, so you will understand who loves you, and who it is you are being called to follow. I walked your earth as you do. I saw the failings of mankind as you see them. I was grieved at the injustices, in the same way that you are grieved when you see things that are not fair. 

Did I grow bitter? No. I did not. Why was that? Because I am God? No. I was God on earth but I was God trapped in man’s body and constrained by the lim- itations of the body. I did this so that when it came time for you to follow Me you could not say that it was easy for Me because I was God. I did not use My divinity except during the last three years and then only to heal, cure, and otherwise support My claim that I was the King of Heaven, come down to lead all back to the Father. I did not waste miracles on those who would reject Me, regardless of proof of My divinity. Do you intend to reject Me? 

You are Mine, dearest soul. Come back to Me that I may introduce you to love and joy. I want to tell you why I did not grow bitter on earth. I did not grow bitter because I knew that many would follow Me. And I did not grow bitter because I knew that you would return to Me. Can you believe that you are that important to Me? I assure you, it is true. At this moment, there is only you and I. I am looking at you now. Will you return My gaze, you poor child whose heart is frozen? My love pours out upon you. 

My graces flow down to you. Open your heart, dear soul. Ask Me to come to you. I am here. I am waiting to love you. Do not freeze Me out any longer. Everything is possible for Me. I can heal you and cure you in an instant if you will let Me. Ask Me, dear child. You are part of My family and My family aches to have you back. I am calling you by name. Close your eyes and listen to My Voice. I am asking that you say simply, “Jesus, love me.” I will take care of everything else. You feel My presence now and you can rest in My love as I transform your heart. No fear, dear child. All is well when God is present, and truly, I am with you. 

Direction for our times