The U.S will be punished in a way never seen

Urgent Message from Our Lady to Edson  Glauber, - March 13th, 2016 

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As aparições da Virgem Maria no AmazonasAddress:

Itapiranga  Brazil 
Peace be with you, my beloved son!
Behold your Immaculate Mother who comes from heaven to tell you that the hour has arrived for the immediate conversion of humanity, which will be shaken by great and painful events. My maternal heart is apprehensive and embittered by swords of pain. My children, many of you are doing little and laugh at my messages, scorning them and leaving them aside. What will become of you when the great chastisement comes from the sky and befalls you? Who will be able to defend you when divine justice touches humanity with such force?
I suffer because of those who refuse the opportunity to convert and change their lives. Many of my children are blind, they have allowed themselves to be seduced by Satan and their hearts seek and crave only [nothing but] the lies and the pleasures of the world. How many souls destroyed by sin! How many are walking towards the eternal abyss, without thinking [even] a little about eternity, in order that they might repent of their errors.
This is the time when the devil has obtained much room to lead many of my children to error and spiritual death. Pray, my son, pray and intercede for the good of humanity. The Eternal Father is indignant because of the continual offenses committed against his Divine Son: so many sacrileges, profanities and outrages are being committed in the world.
Very soon Italy and the United States will be punished in a way never seen [before]. A great light, like fire, will be visible in the sky of Italy. Pain and sorrow will be great, and when this happens only the rosary and my maternal Heart will provide hope, refuge and protection for many. Italy will be shaken because men did not respect what is owed to God, did not honour his Holy Name, did not obey his Holy Laws. Enormous pain will also come quickly in the United States, causing a particular region to be practically destroyed.
I want to help you my children, I want to protect you. Take refuge in my Immaculate Heart, ask for my maternal help and immediately I will come to help you. And what can be said of the Brazilian people, a people who do not pray and do not respect the Commandments of God, nor the holy days, but that fill stadiums, bathing resorts and many other places simply in order that they might amuse themselves and offend the Lord.
The days of happiness will be exchanged for days of blood, crying and death. Only those who have welcomed my appeals and prayed as I asked them are those who, by Divine order, will be preserved in the evil days. Where respect for God's name and the sacred does not exist, blood will come; where God's has been banished death will arrive; where God is no longer remembered or invoked, the suffering will be terrible.
Pray, pray, pray much, my Brazilian children, because the days are urgent! .... Wake up and return to the Lord! This is my appeal, my son, this is my message that I convey to you with my Heart full of pain and sorrow, because I have not been welcomed, have not been understood, have not been loved or invoked as my Son asked you, and much more, because I have been scorned and disrespected by many who hurt my Heart terribly, drawing the justice of my Divine Son.
Turn back, ask the Lord for forgiveness. He will forgive you if you sincerely repent and change your lives. I bless you [singularly] as well as the whole world: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!