Truly, I tell you, I am Coming!

Jesus to 2 Patricks. Ireland, 17 June 2016

Trust in Me, My children, and believe in the things I tell you for you have little time until the Hand of Justice penetrates this earth to its very foundations. 

All life shall be affected and know their God has been angered.
All shall know that their actions have brought this upon themselves. 

Only those who have listened and fought the sin in their lives will see this time to an end. 

Believe, now, while there is still time for I will need many helpers in this time to minister to those in need. 

Believe, children, I am calling you into My Army of Truth, of Love. 

I need YOU, My child, to become a beacon in the darkness in order for My lost children to follow. Trust in Me. I Love you.

15 June 2016

Trust in Me, My children, and believe in the Words I give to you for they will guide you into the safety of My Heart. This world runs further into the darkness of sin as each day goes by. 

The people of this world do not realise, in their blindness, that they have angered the Father of All with their vile and evil ways. 

The people of this world stand at the brink of their own destruction, brought about by their own willingness to follow the lies of lucifer. 

Truly, I tell you, the Sword of Justice is about to strike all mankind for his evil ways. 

Come close to Me, My children, and allow Me to shelter you from this storm that mankind calls down upon himself. Truly, I tell you, I am Coming! 

Look to the skies and see the beginnings. Trust in Me. 
I Love you.