Judge according to the good rather than the evil (Jesus)

He & I To Gabrielle Bossis 
May 8, 1937 - Le Fresne
"Lower the lamp of love into the depths of your soul. Believe more firmly in My love.
If you must pass judgment, judge according to the good rather than the evil."

May 4, 1940
"Today I ask you to keep your mind in a state of naked simplicity, your thoughts rising pure like candle flames toward My power and majesty and toward My love of Father and bridegroom.

Even if you don't see the result of your prayers or efforts, don't let this hold you back. Just keep in mind that I KNOW EVERYTHING, and place yourself once more in the hands of your Redeemer. Remember this: I'll be for you what you want Me to be. If you treat Me as a stranger, I'll be only a judge. If you trust Me, I'll be your Savior. If you live in My love, I'll be your loving bridegroom, the being of your being."

April 28, 1949 - En route to Paris.
"Think often about Me, My little girl. Think often. With so little you give Me so much joy. Your free will with all its opportunities will no longer exist in heaven, you understand? Here you may choose; you may be for yourself or for Me. You think perhaps that this very small thought that comes winging to Me is of little importance? But for Me it is the keynote of an entire life. A thought is a soul's glance. Let yours be natural, warm, frequent, you can never come to an end of thinking about Me. Do you know all My loving-kindnesses? Try to see them. And My sufferings? And My love? ADORE IT; HAIL IT.

Believe that everything in your life is arranged expressly for you. Believe and you will honor Me. If you never grow weary of looking at Me like this, you may be sure that it will be like an allurement to you to imitate your Christ.
May this look at Me form as it were a divine being in you. You know how a mother takes care to keep herself in the presence of beauty so that the child she is carrying may take the imprint of it?

Then be saturated with Me in My life on earth where you can follow Me. Your earthly life will not go on much longer. Make haste to join Me.
Be to others what I was. Be your Christ for others. Give yourself because I have Myself. I am your reason for living; let this be enough."