Archbishop Paglia “Outs” Himself. Will Francis Act?

Faggot is who faggot does: Archbishop Paglia. 

When, yesterday, the news broke that Archbishop Paglia has officially “outed” himself as a homo, no one was really surprised. Like “Tucho” Fernandez  and James Martin, Archbishop Paglia reeks of sexual perversion like Francis reeks of heresy. Paglia is also behind the clearly “homoerotic” church painting he himself commissioned; a work from a fag painter who found the way to introduce, with Paglia’s consent, several obvious references to homosexuality. In addition (and I quote) 
 Under the supervision of Paglia, [the fag artist] painted the bishop himself in one of the “erotic” nets, semi-nude and clutching a bearded man wearing nothing but a loose loincloth.
The Archbishop’s announcement is therefore no news for everyone who has eyes to see and a brain to think, and is not trying to die of Extreme Pollyanning. 
However, the sudden announcement of the Archbishop that not only he is a homo, but in a relationship with a cook of the papal kitchen makes the situation even more scandalous – I would say, with Sir Humphrey, scandalous in an “officially official” way -. 
Priests are not allowed to be homos. Much less are they allowed to be practicing sodomites. What is Francis going to do now?   
Is He going to simply ignore the scandal like he has been ignoring his living under the very roof administered by Monsignor Ricca? 
Knowing Francis, I will not hold my breath. But if Francis does not act soon this will be another unprecedented step in the continuing decay of the Church under the reign of the Evil Clown.