Prepare for the unleashing of the reign of the Antichrist


NO. 752

[See this Youtube Video of Message]

Feast of Our Lady of the Ark, Mary Our Mother, Help of Christians

The world is heading for many tribulations, because of the many grave sins committed by man – The Secrets of Fatima will now unfold before your eyes, especially the Last Secret – Men will be plunged into great sorrow soon, especially in North Korea, Europe and the Middle East – Repent and be ready, for Jesus will soon come to open up your conscience and prepare you for the times of the greatest of sorrows – the unleashing of the reign of the Antichrist – The one who is on the Throne of Peter, will be removed, for the Antichrist desires to sit upon the Throne of Peter.
WILLIAM: The White Cross has been already in the sky for some time. But now it is very, very bright. Coming out of the White Cross is this beautiful white beam of Light and this light is now shooting us – towards where we are – and it widens out and I can see coming through the White Cross, several Angels. These are very beautiful Angels and they are swiftly gliding towards us and they are holding flowers in their hands. Now coming through the White Cross I can see Our Blessed Mother and she comes under Her Title of the Feast Day today – Our Lady of the Ark, Mary Our Mother, Help of Christians. She comes, gliding very swiftly, with the Baby Jesus and many Angels are accompanying Her and all the Angels are holding purely flowers in their hands. I can also see Saint Michael and he now swiftly comes and goes to the right of Our Holy Mother and he holds his sword high up into the sky. Behind the White Cross I see the Earth and I also see the Sun. The Sun is very, very bright and I can see flames – it looks to me like fire flames going towards the Earth.
Our Lady now comes much closer and she is only now about two metres from me. She is very beautiful – Our Lady is always very beautiful. In Her right Hand She holds the little Ark and Our Holy Mother is just smiling and Saint Michael now takes the Ark off Our Holy Mother. The Baby Jesus is about two years old and He is just smiling and He holds the Holy Rosary and the Scapular in His little Hands. Our Lady also now is holding a beautiful Rosary – it is a pearl Rosary – and the Crucifix is golden. Our Lady takes the Crucifix, kisses Jesus and kisses the Baby Jesus on His Forehead:
OUR LADY“In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen. I greet you, My beloved son, Our Little ‘Rock of Salvation’ for Holy Mother Church. I greet all of My beloved children here present and throughout the world. I come today to console Our sweet children throughout the world and bring them many gifts of Graces from the Eternal Father, because mankind at this time is struggling with themselves – especially Our children who are faithful to Our Calling. To follow My Divine Son, Jesus, all must carry their cross. I know it is difficult, My children, but I am there as Your Heavenly Mother, always to assist you. I send to you many Angels and the beloved Saints of Heaven, which also include many members of those who passed away in the state of Grace, to help you, because all of My children must bear witness to the Truth – the Truth of My Divine Son Jesus, the Messiah.”
“The world at this time is heading for many tribulations, for the world must be purified, because of the many grave sins committed by man, for Satan is tempting all of Our children, because time at this moment is very serious for mankind. Satan desires to remove Our children, so that they cannot bear witness to My Divine Son, so man will continue to go into darkness. It is for this reason, My children, My children, I came to Fatima one hundred years ago to three little children. The Message of Fatima, My children, is very vital at this moment in time, because the Secrets of Fatima will now unfold before your eyes – especially the Last Secret. This Secret has been revealed to many Seers throughout the world, because Holy Mother Church did not reveal all of it. Men will be plunged into great sorrow soon, especially in the country of North Korea and also in Europe and the Middle East, My children. Men do no realize how serious these moments are. Only prayer, sacrifice and penance will save the world, before it is plunged into deep sorrow.”
“The Eternal Father is Merciful and patient. However, My children, you forget that He is also a Just God – He forgives all. But My children must desire it. They must come to My Divine Son in Confession, to cleanse their souls and their hearts, because they must live lives of holiness and purity and faithfulness. Go to My Divine Son. Receive Him often in the Eucharist, for that is your strength. Forgive your brothers and sisters. Be merciful and loving to all, just as My Divine Son Jesus, is with you.”
“I have come to the world thousands of times, dear children, to bring the Word of My Divine Son, Jesus to the world. Repent and be ready, for Jesus will soon come to open up your conscience to reveal to you your inner selves, and to prepare you for the times of the greatest of sorrows – the unleashing of the reign of the Antichrist within the Church and within the world, where the One World Government will be established and the One world Religion. This does not come from God – this comes from Satan, who desires to rule the hearts of men, to take them away from My Divine Son, Jesus.”
“We have given you the solution to your world, dear children, and that is prayer. Take up My Beads of Love – My Holy Rosary – because this prayer will crush the head of Satan, as promised in the Book of Genesis. My Heel will crush him, and this Heel, My dear children, is you. The Army of Mary, the Remnant Church of the End Times.”
“How I Love you, My sweet children. My Immaculate Heart weeps because so few of Our children will come to My Divine Son. I place My Mantle over you to protect you, but you must do your part.”
“My Visitations on Earth will now increase in these last moments throughout the world, because I am your Mother I seek your salvation and to protect mankind from its own destruction. Pray for your Leaders, for many of them are far from My Divine Son, Jesus. They lead lives contrary to the Will of Our Father in Heaven.”
“It saddens My Immaculate Heart how divided the Nations are – how divided our children are – in your families. I love you, My sweet children. I brought with me many Angels today, and they will distribute the flowers that come from My Immaculate Heart, to console you, to strengthen you.”
“Take courage, My sweet children, for great division will come in Holy Mother Church. The one who is on the Throne of Peter, will be removed, for the Antichrist desires to sit upon the Throne of Peter, but fear not, Hell cannot prevail against My Son’s Church upon Earth. But you must pray, My sweet children. Pray for your Priests, that they listen to Our Word that comes from the Eternal Father. Pray, My dear children for the times that are falling upon you now will bear fruit of great sadness and sorrow, but I am there to help you.”
WILLIAM: The Baby Jesus now – he leaves Our Blessed Mother’s Arm, momentarily and He moves very swiftly to everyone that is united with us at this moment and He goes and kisses their foreheads. It is so very sweet. It is like in an instant – it is amazing. Jesus now returns back to Our Holy Mother and kisses Our Blessed Mother on the Cheek. Saint Michael, who has been holding the Ark, comes and places it in front of me and goes back to Our Holy Mother.
OUR LADY“My sweet children, I am the Immaculate Conception – Mediatrix for all of my children – the Ark of Salvation. Within this Ark I bring all of My children to My Divine Son. Take courage, sweet children and be not afraid. I am always with you.”
WILLIAM: The Holy Angels now distribute the flowers throughout the whole world. There are millions of Angels now and I know that Our Blessed Mother has Blessed all the flowers in the homes:
OUR LADY“In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen. My beloved children, whenever you hear this Message – or read it – know that this Blessing goes with it and I place this Blessing from My Divine Son, Jesus, on the roses throughout the whole world in your homes, and through these petals, many cures and miracles will occur to show you how much Heaven loves you.”
“Continue to be strong and remain focused, sweet children, upon My Divine Son, Jesus, who is the Living Water of God. And you, My little son, continue to go forward in Our Light and bring Our Words of Love in Consolation to humanity, for all that We have told you will now unfold in your life as well as My children.”
“A great change will come upon the world – and know this, that the Sun will shoot off – like lava – fire upon the world, as a sign to all of you, that God will now intervene in man’s affairs.”
“I kiss you all, My swweet children, with My Immaculate Heart and the Heart of My Divine Son, Jesus: In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”
“You, My son, are the ‘Keeper’ of the Ark. Go forward in My Light and in My Heart. I Love you all, My children.”
WILLIAM: And Baby Jesus sends little kisses xxxxx. To you too, my Jesus xxxxx. He is smiling now and He is waving actually – like a little child. Jesus and Mary are just smiling – they can hear all your prayers.
Our Lady now moves slowly back. She glides on this Light – this beautiful Light. She Blesses us again:
OUR LADY“In Patri et Filii et Spiritus Sancti. Amen.”
WILLIAM: Thank you Mother. Our lady now moves back very swiftly into the Cross, where She came from with the Holy Angels.