Kneel before your God in the Eucharist

July 14, 1979
In honor of Our Lady of Mount Carmel
     Our Lady - “My child and My children, as I look about you, My heart is lifted a bit from the great sadness that has torn apart My heart and the hearts of many who are in Heaven. As a child, I remember My Son Jesus, how He grew up with love and great care in spirituality.
     “O My children, I have counseled you through many appearances upon your earth, in countless earth-years, to guard your homes, protect your children, and bring a firm foundation of their Faith to them, because when they leave your homes they enter now a world that is in now full control by Lucifer and his agents from hell. They form the group known as 666, the forces of evil.

     “O My children and parents, I counsel you as your Mother, I come to you with dire forebodings for your children in My heart because many are now straying into the web created by Lucifer of false religions and the occult.
     “You must understand that the forces of evil are cunning in their trickery. They will not expose themselves to you in their true light. They work behind a screen.
     “My child and My children, I will explain this to you more simply. Do not be deceived by the mushrooming centers that house diabolical agents from hell that are now encased in a human body.

Black candles—signs of Lucifer

     “The candles your children are spending your hard-earned money for—the black candles are signs of Lucifer and hell. They are used in the desecration of the true Sacrifice, the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass upon earth. 

Children being sacrificed to satan

     “Do not laugh and think it has become a big myth in your nation and other nations of the world, that there is not murders being committed in the name of ritualistic sacrifices to satan. Many children and young have disappeared, never again to be seen, as they were disposed of after being used as sacrifice to satan, Lucifer.
     “It did not happen overnight, My children. It took planning and years of planning. I warned you many years ago to pray, do penance, make sacrifices of atonement.
     “My child, you did well to create and restore the grotto asked of you. In the future I will reveal to you the full plan for placing the children of Fatima in your yard. 

As you rejected Me at La Salette
     “I have asked, I have pleaded, I have begged as your Mother that Our clergy do not fall prey to all modes of humanism and modernism. I have cried countless tears upon you, My children, as I watched, as I called out to you as your Mother, as you hardened your hearts and closed your ears to My pleadings. As you rejected Me at La Salette, so have you rejected Me now in America and many parts of the world.
     “I have come to you as a Mediatrix between God and man. I have come to you because the Eternal Father in the Trinity has deemed that I come forward; because I, too, know the frailties of human nature, the obstacles on your road to Heaven, the temptations, and the sins of the flesh that are sending many now fast into hell.
     “My children, the United States of America shall suffer a great calamity that will claim many lives. My heart is torn because I know now that many will not be saved. 

Kneel for Holy Communion
     “My children, kneel before your God in the Eucharist. Do not stand like you stand in meeting halls, but kneel and give Him a just love and observance of honor. 

Black cloud over America
     “O My children, when My Son returns upon your earth, will He find even a flicker of faith left in the hearts of mankind? In the days of Sodom, so too were men giving themselves over to all the pleasures of the flesh: eating, drinking, marrying, giving in marriage. All manner of sinful lusts were being committed. Men shameful with men, women casting aside their role of motherhood and lusting after women. As it was in the days of Sodom, so now is this black cloud over America.
     “The Eternal Father has a plan. But this plan shall bring great sorrow to the hearts of many. My children, how long can I hold back this terrible chastisement from upon mankind? It truly rains teardrops from Heaven!”

     Veronica - Our Lady now—She’s holding Jesus very, very tightly in Her left hand, arm. And now Jesus is passing Her the Rosary which He’s been holding, and Our Lady is extending the golden crucifix, the beautiful, large golden crucifix on Her Rosary, and making the sign of the cross: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.

     Our Lady - “I bless you all, My children, in the name of the Eternal Father, the Son, and the Spirit of life. Continue now with your prayers of atonement. They are sorely needed.
     “There will be many accidents that are not accidents, My children. Many young children shall be removed from the world in a plague.
     “My child, I give you the choice of which parish to register in. At present, it would be more prudent if you return to the Infant Jesus parish. Later, I will direct you back to the parish in your area. Perhaps we can change some of the ways of the clergy that disturb My Son much. 

Church is the House of God
     “There cannot be a Church of My Son looking like a Quaker meeting place. It is the House of God, My children and My child; My Son’s Church is a House of God, and all come to honor Him. They do not come to have a social gathering.
     “There must be holiness returned to My Son’s Church. This responsibility weighs heavily on the shoulders of the clergy, the hierarchy. I assure you, My clergy, unless you act immediately upon the counsel from Heaven, many mitres shall fall into hell.”