Prepare for the day of the great apostasy

Christina Gallagher - Prayers at Our Lady Queen of Peace House of Prayer in Achill, Ireland

 Message to Christina Gallagher- July 16th, 2017

My people,

(...). My people, I tell you to prepare for the day of the great apostasy. Its destruction and division is with you and its schism will be fulfilled very soon. You must be aware and search only for the truth and the hearts that speak it. 
There are many doing the work of the deceiver in lies and deception regarding My Mother’s House and My messenger. You, My people have stood by and done nothing in her defence. My Mother’s House is yours and for your benefit and for the saving of souls, but oh, too late for many. There are many lost in darkness through the deception and lies that led to the shackles being put upon it.
The day is soon approaching when those who placed the shackles of injustice on My Mother’s House will receive their just rewards. I plead with you make haste to put things right by receiving My Mercy. 

My people, I have shown you the might of My Hand and the Mercy of My Sacred Heart. I raised up the lowly; sick bodies I healed; the cold hearts I warmed to come to Me. How easy it is for the deceiver to draw weak children of man from Light and Truth.

Those of you who have placed obstacles and blockages in the way of Truth in My Mother’s House, I tell you make haste to undo your wrong before it is too late. Hear, o people, hear Me call you and invite you to undo your wrong before you have to come before Me. By then it will be too late for you. I say to you who have denied Me, “Begone to him whom you have chosen to lead you”. I have desired you live in Truth and receive My Light. Soon you will witness the great black apostasy. If you are in Truth and Light you will have nothing to fear. You will see it being fulfilled and feel it in your heart. The cycle of life is changing before your eyes but many of you see nothing. 

My people, open your hearts to the Truth I relate to you through My messenger. Take care of her and My Mother’s House. You will need them more than you realise.

Soon - very soon - you will witness the sign at the entrance of My Mother’s House and over it. My Mother’s House will light up in light of gold for all to see, because it is then that I will break the shackles that have been put upon it. Those of My people who have helped My Mother’s House - blessed are they indeed, but for those who put the shackles of lies and deception on it and have held it bound, I say to you, woe unto such people that permitted their hearts to be led in such great darkness and deception. Oh how foolish you are!

My Mother’s Houses have been put there to save souls but man has put himself above his God sinking into the deception of Lucifer the deceiver. Woe unto all who fail to see the might of My Hand and the Mercy that flowed from My Sacred Heart! My people, give witness to Me who is Truth and to those who proclaim it. Soon Truth will be denied and deserted in the hearts of many through the seduction of the devil. He is turning light into darkness for many but not for long. Soon you will see Truth in all light but you must seek it now. Do not wait any longer – there has been too much time wasted. I desire you let this day be blessed in your heart and life. 
Come here often and draw from the Fountain of Grace to help you withstand the darkness that is befalling your world. I invite you to look and see how fast is the world’s decline. There will be many diseases arising from the practice of immorality and more and more you will see – through this decline – the grave danger to My Church from him who is anti-Christ. Soon he will be with you in human form. 

I bless you this day with My Father, I the Son in the Holy Spirit