Brazilian Homo Couple flaunts Vatican Letter for Baptism of “Their” Children

On April 23, 2017, two homosex had “their” adoptive children baptized in Our Lady of Light Cathedral of the “Archdiocese” of Curitiba, Brazil. At the time, this made front-page news in the secular press because, all silly arguments about footnotes and “what the Pope really meant” aside, this shows that the Novus Ordo Sect is now approving of sodomite relationships de facto.
The “parents” in question are Toni Reis and David Harrad. They are well-known homosexual activists in Brazil and were the plaintiffs in the historic court case that legalized the adoption of children by sodomite couples in 2011 (source). Reis and Harrad have since adopted three children: Alyson, Jessica, and Felipe (see photos further below).

As though this scandal weren’t big enough yet (cf. Mt 18:6-7), the Vatican has now made things worse. In response to a letter Reis had sent to the “Holy Father” about the baptism of the three youngsters, the Secretariat of State has responded assuring the “family” of Francis’ appreciation, good wishes, and his “Apostolic Blessing”.
This was publicly revealed yesterday, Aug. 7, when Toni Reis published a scanned copy of the letter on his Facebook page and notified the press, which has happily picked up on it:
Curitiba’s local radio station has even had Toni Reis on its program to discuss the matter (audio available):
Here is a screenshot of Reis’ post on Facebook together with the appended scanned copy of the letter from the Vatican (click each image for a larger version):

Here is an English translation of the letter, which is signed by “Monsignor” Paolo Borgia on behalf of “Pope” Francis:
Vatican, July 10, 2017
Dear Sir,
The Holy Father has looked appreciatively at your letter, in which you expressed feelings of esteem and veneration and expressed your wishes for the good spiritual fruits of his ministry as Pastor of the Universal Church.
In thanking [you] on behalf of the Successor of Peter for your demonstration of attachment and [your] honorable words, I can assure you that Pope Francis also wishes you all the best and invokes for your family an abundance of divine graces, in order [that you may] live constantly and faithfully as Christians, as good children of God and of the Church, sending you an indulgenced Apostolic Blessing, asking you not to forget to pray for him.
I take this occasion to express my fraternal esteem in Christ the Lord.
Mons. Paolo Borgia
Assessor of General Affairs
The letter from the Vatican is dated July 10, 2017. According to an AFP report quoted here, the reason it was not published until now is that the sodomites had been on a trip to Europe, from which they did not return until the other day, when they received all their mail.
Now, some are already crying “fake news!” because, although Reis is flaunting the Vatican letter as an endorsement of his sin crying to Heaven for vengeance, the letter itself does not state anything directly in that regard, and there is reason to believe that this is little more than a form letter, which is sent to presumably thousands of people each month. In addition, there is nothing in the letter specifically about a baptism at all.
Could it be that Francis really didn’t “look appreciately at [the] letter”? Sure it could. But at the same time, we also know that Francis has expressed again and again that he is in favor of the baptism of children in “irregular” unions, and in his time as “Archbishop” of Buenos Aires, he ensured that such scandals would be approved on his turf. We also know that Francis has a disturbing attitude, to say the least, regarding homosexuality and homosexuals. It is certainly clear that, the specific facts about this particular Vatican letter aside, an effective endorsement of sodomite “families” is entirely consistent with Francis’ approach of “integration” and “accompaniment”, which was laid out officially in the infernal exhortation Amoris Laetitia. In this document, the “Pope” shows that he looks upon sin as simply an imperfect realization of virtue, and hence one must simply affirm the positive “elements” in any sinful situation so as to eventually attain to the ideal (see our criticism here).
The following photos are taken from Toni Reis’ public Facebook profile. The first shows Reis (right) with his “husband”; the second shows the two with “their” three children:

Regardless of whether the Vatican letter was more or less a standard form letter to which not much thought was given and that unwittingly found its way to the “wrong” recipient, the fact of the matter is that with Toni Reis and the secular press blasting this across the internet as a “papal” endorsement of sodomite “families” and their reception of Novus Ordo sacraments, there is now an objectively scandalous situation involving “Pope” Francis that the Vatican must condemn and repair or else become guilty of tacit approval through silence.
Let’s be clear about this: For the sin of scandal, it suffices that there be the mere appearance of evil: “Scandal in its theological sense is any word or action which has at least the appearance of evil and is the occasion of sin to another” (Fr. Thomas Slater, A Manual of Moral Theology, 5th ed., vol. 1 [1925], p. 129; underlining added). Thus, it is now morally obligatory for Francis to redress and repair the scandal caused, publicly explain that this whole thing was an unfortunate misunderstanding, and that he condemns sodomite unions and the purchasing of children by homosexuals and their subsequent baptism.
What are the chances that will happen?