Bergoglio: "The future of the Church is more about the word of God than about the Eucharist"

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Pope Francis: "The future of the Church is more about the word of God than about the Eucharist"

Will this year that celebrates the sad 500th anniversary of the birth of the Protestant Reformation also see the definitive victory of Protestantism, the Protestant spirit over the Catholic spirit within the present-day Rome, Lefebvre of "neo-modernist and neo-Protestant"?

Infiltrating the Catholic Church has been a major goal of Protestantism since its creation in the 16th century. If the Holy See was able to neutralize its influence until the middle of the 20th century, the Second Vatican Council opened wide the doors of the Roman Church. One might have hoped, as in the parable of the Gospel, at the return of the repentant prodigal son. On the contrary, far too many conciliar fathers bent to the demands of this emancipated and liberal son, the terrible consequences of which were an aggiornamento in the Protestant style and a post-conciliar liturgical reform which made triumphantly say to a Protestant theologian Notorious, Roger Mehl:

"If we take into account the decisive evolution of the Catholic Eucharistic Liturgy ... there is no longer any reason for the Reformation Churches to forbid their faithful to take part in the Eucharist in the The Roman Church.

Since then, the faithful have deserted the churches, the seminaries have been emptied, the vocations have dried up, the convents and monasteries no longer live in the hands of the lonely religious old men who have survived the great conciliar shambles, the dechristianization of society continues inexorably to lead Souls towards materialism and its during internal nihilism, "modern civilization" said Malraux being "a permanent conspiracy against the interior life". But all these mortifying evils do not awaken the consciousness of the conciliar hierarchs who, like proud blind men, walk in this postmodern world in decomposition without repentance. Without seriously considering the only necessary remedy, a return to what they have let loose in order to please the apostate world, a conversion to the two-millennial Tradition of the Catholic Church.

On the contrary. With Pope Francis on the Petrine siege the Protestant and modernist drift of the Catholic world is getting worse every day. Faced with the disorders stemming from this protestantism of society and the Church, the Argentinean dad gives solutions in the spirit. Protestant. It is the serpent that has died its tail!

Lastly, we read on Radio-Canada that "Quebec bishops" went to Rome for their "Ad Limina visit, which took place in May 2017": "

"During these meetings," explains the journalist, Bishop Dorylas Moreau, shared his concerns about the shortage of priests in small communities.

"The pope has told me," he said, "you forget two things: the future of the Church is more about the word of God than about the Eucharist," the bishop paraphrases. Then the word of God does not necessarily take priests to express and implement it in our circles. And he insisted much on the works of mercy. This is new, it is doing good, caring for the poor, being open to justice, and so on. This is what will give the testimony of the Church. "

Would Luther, Calvin, and other reforming heretics be the masters of Francis? Basically in the Protestant sects the very idea of ​​the Sacrifice of the Mass is rejected and consequently the importance of the Eucharistic Communion for the life of the soul is despised. On the other hand, among all Protestant reformers, primacy is given to the Word of God. Dom Guéranger, in his book The Liturgical Institutions, underlines all the dangerousness:

"The preference given by all heretics to the Scriptures on ecclesiastical definitions has no other reason than the facility they have in having the word of God spoken whatever they want, Letting appear or stopping her about. "

The current holder of the Petrine throne, a follower of praxis to overthrow the few remaining foundations of the ancient Catholic order, making the Word the future of the Church while minimizing the importance of sacramental communion seems To be inspired by these Protestant revolutionary principles. And some others ... To better advance his revolution? To finish transforming this new conciliar Church into an umpteenth Protestant sect?

In the Protestant doctrinal system, the priest is simply rejected since there is no more altar: the laity are sufficient to dispense the Word of God. This proclaimed the end of the priesthood among the Protestants. Now this drama also affects the Catholic Church for lack of priests but does not move the reformer Francis exceedingly, since "the word of God does not necessarily take priests to express and implement it "In fine," says Robert Beauvais, "according to Luther," in his work We Will Be All Protestant, "meditation, the contemplative life of convents, deprive man of the duties of this world; They appear to him to be the product of selfishness and dryness. "This is thus defined by Protestantism as the primacy of action over contemplation, which is found in substance in the above words of Pope Francis. 

To the Canadian bishops he insisted not on prayer as the first work of mercy but on a work for justice and charity which he conceives, let us not forget, as societal values ​​arising from a revisited gospel By the ideology of Human Rights, itself the fruit of Protestant egalitarianism. The year 2017, the 5th centenary of the Protestant Reformation, honored at the Vatican with the statue of the heresiarch monk Luther, will see Thanks to this Bogoglian pontificate, the total victory of the Protestant spirit over Catholicism? In any case, it seems that Jorge Maria Bergoglio, distorted by a conciliar thought which has rehabilitated Protestantism, voluntarily or involuntarily intends to do so, God knows, assiduously.

Francesca de Villasmundo