A dream as a call to prayer

Dream: We had a small piece of the Eucharistic Host that had turned to flesh. It was dried out, but suddenly began to “live” again. It became flesh and started to bleed profusely, a true miracle! I tried to show it to someone who belonged to a non-Catholic but Christian sect. She wanted nothing to do with it. I began to look for a suitable container for the Precious Blood that was now dripping out of the container. End of dream.
I always take dreams first of all as calls to prayer, this one a call perhaps to pray for those who refuse to believe in God’s glorious and miraculous presence in the Holy Eucharist. Miracle of miracles!
Lord Jesus, have mercy on those who do not recognize your miraculous presence in the Eucharist. In your mercy, lead all souls to know you, to love you, and to crave your intimate nearness in Holy Communion. I place each one in the Flame of Love of Mary Immaculate. Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us! Amen.