An Invalid Pope

There are two points of Church teaching concerning the prophecies and now testimony related to Pope Francis’ papal invalidity to consider here:
  1. The Church teaches that if a Pope is elected by a group of Cardinals who conspire to have him elected, then he is de facto automatically invalid.
No one is permitted “even if he is a Cardinal, to make plans concerning the election of a Pope’s successor, or to promise votes, or to make decisions in this regard in private gatherings.”
  1. “Should the conditions laid down here not be observed (as stated in #1 above)… or should the election take place in a way other than that prescribed in the present Constitution, the (papal) election is for this very reason null and void, without any need for a declaration on the matter; consequently, it confers no right on the one elected.” (John Paul II, Apostolic Constitution On the Vacancy and Election of a Pope, 79, 76).
Such an elected Pope is automatically invalid, without any need for adjudication by anyone, including the Magisterium or College of Cardinals. He is objectively a false pope. This indeed is too difficult for many if not most Catholics to grasp, much less concede, or unite together to address, and without a leader to guide us we are now fighting amongst ourselves about it. According to prophecy, we have a false pope, who is poisoning the souls of the faithful by deceitfully and cunningly changing the sacred doctrine of Jesus into satanic doctrines of damnation, while usurping Christian morality, and this more and more until he will take away the very Sacrifice of the Mass of our redemption.
It is important to note that even if he were validly elected, he has since invalidated himself through doctrinal disbelief and the promotion of errors. It has been clearly established that if an otherwise valid Pope holds or teaches a heresy in regard to even one doctrine of the Faith, then he defacto invalidates his papacy. It has also been clearly established that Pope Francis, among other heretical leanings like in regard to contraception, agrees with the heresies related to allowing Communion for divorced and civilly remarried Catholics. This is demonstrated by his letter to the Buenos Aires bishops on interpreting Amoris Laetitia, and from the testimony of the Pope’s position from Cardinal Marx, as well as from the Cardinal in the Vatican in charge of interpreting legal texts, from numerous articles in the Vatican’s newspaper, and from the Maltese bishops. And now that the dam of doctrine has been pierced at the highest level, the floodgates of heresies are spreading openly and insidiously everywhere almost overnight. So, on the papal election coup and on his own promoting of heresy, the prophecies that Pope Francis is an invalid Pope seem to have been correct and have now demonstrably come true. And as prophecy has come true, so will it continue to come true.
Prophecy says:

The False Church of the False Prophet Pope
It has now become clear with prophecy and mounting evidence that Pope Benedict was ousted from the Seat of Peter by devious means and has been forced to walk a terrible path in disgrace through no fault of his own. Like Christ, he will now be whipped, sneered at and made to look foolish. He has been deceived terribly. He is in a prison, harsher than any actual prison. And prophecy says things will get worse for him, and he will have to flee Rome before the Great Warning, and from exile with lead the Remnant, until he suffers a cruel death.
Pope Francis is the last pope. And there is no prophecy anywhere that says there will be another pope after him or that he will be successfully deposed. In fact, everything in prophecy points states that he will nearly succeed destroying the Catholic Church. While he is the man who sits in the Chair of Peter, he is not from God but is according to prophecy the False Prophet of the Book of Revelation. And the Bible says his task is to prepare for the Antichrist, in the opposite way that St. John the Baptist prepared the way for Jesus Christ. To get things ready, he is initiating the diabolical plan to destroy the Catholic Church from within, tampering with the teachings of Christ and trying to destroy our allegiance to God by denouncing His teachings, twisting Christ’s doctrine so it becomes heresy. Though he is the leader of the Catholic Church on earth, he is working deceitfully to change the Church’s teachings and the Word of God to present the newly renovated, modern church. He is the right hand of the Beast.