In the Warning Jesus appears crucified in the sky

Catholic Prophecy

Fr. Gobbi messages and Garabandal state that the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass (the false Church accomodates the Protestant heresy that communion is only a symbol) is suppressed throughout the world and this predicament, along with the false prophet and Antichrist controlling the Vatican is identified as the Abomination of Desolation enters the Holy Temple of God spoken of in Thessalonians and Daniel-Fr. Gobbi #485 . In fact Fr. Gobbi -548i) is told by the Virgin Mary that Freemasonry has set up the "center of it's power" in the interior of the Catholic Church and is described as the "mystery of inequity"

This brings us to the spiritual nadir of the world (No Catholic Mass, the greatest form of prayer) alluded to at Garabandal where it was said that The Warning will happen, when conditions are at their worst . t. (says Sr. Faustina ). 

This manifistation of Jesus may be immediately preceded by the Virgin Mary literally appearing in the Sun as the Virgin Mary states that she will literally appear in the "heavens" (See Apostolate of Holy Motherhood Entry 18).  "You will know by the sign in the heavens, which is I Myself, that the time is at hand for the instantaneous conversion of the multitude. This will be accomplished through a tremendous outpouring of grace (THE WARNING) upon the earth given at the hands of God to Me for this purpose. this will be the Triumph of My Immaculate Heart of which I spoke at Fatima [Portugal, 1917]" The bible also indicates that Mary will appear in the sun.(Rev 12:1)

This is consistent with the fact that Jesus is Mercy itself and Mary is the Mother of Mercy. In this warning we will have a judgment in miniature (Fr. Gobbi) where everything will stop and we will see our sins the way God sees them. The Warning is repeated in the messages of Medjugorje, Garabandal, and others. This spiritual nadir may also be in proximity, timewise, to the martyrdom of Pope Francis in Jerusalem.

The arrival of Jesus in the Second Coming will be an interior dwelling of Jesus into your heart not the rule of the earth by Jesus in the flesh. It's also described as the Eucharistic Reign of Jesus. 

It must be emphasized that you do not wait for The Warning to change yourself for the better which means CONVERSION or turning toward God because it may be too late as there is a danger, due to one's proclivity to unbelief and sin at that time, that wrong choices will be made. The danger is that one will prefer darkness over light. If that is the case then darkness is what you will get and that is your eternal damnation assuming you persist in darkness but by the time of the Warning, time is quickly running out. Obviously you can repent until the time of death but chances are by this time you may (will) not repent. 

You didn't repent before with all those chances, why would you do it at this point? Hopefully by God's grace we all will. Generally speaking, although no one can be sinless, one can have "purity of heart" which is the intention of following God's commands.