Here I wait for you

September 16/07 

Jesus says:

Bend your senses and heart so that your three powers: soul, body and spirit may praise My Greatness that I let you glimpse under the simple appearance of the Sacred Host. Sacred Host that contains my Divine Body and my precious Blood to nourish you with the manna of heaven.

Here, under this type, I love you, covering you with kisses with my gaze and embracing you with my rays of Light that are imperceptible to your eyes, but visible to the Angelic Choirs.

In this Eucharistic form I listen to you by pouring spiritual motions upon you, which will serve as an answer to your concerns. If you were able to perceive the greatness of my august Sacrament, you would fall on your knees prostrating your face to the ground saying: "It is to pay homage to your greatness, confessing: You are Everything, I am nothing".

In front of Me, be silent and I will recreate your heart with my voice, stilling you with my presence to cover you with my Divine strength, making you resistant in your moments of temptation.

Here I await you to give you peace.

Here I wait to sprinkle you with the water of my love. Here I wait to encourage you in your trials. Here I wait to take your heart and unite it to Mine.

Here I wait to immerse you in the wound of my Divine Heart and purify you with my sweet fire.

Here I wait for you, like the beggar of love, eager to discover to you my treasures hidden in the depths of my Most Holy Heart.

of my Most Holy Heart. Come and appropriate Him for yourselves so that you may become rich for God and commoners for men.

Jesus to Agustín del Divino Corazón