God does not want you to be sad or discouraged.

Children of God, many of you live troubled and affected by the most insignificant setback. You make a mountain out of a grain of sand, and you see everything, everything as black. I, Mary, your Mother, speak to you.

You must change your way of being, or you will live a purgatory already on this Earth, and that is not what Your Heavenly Father wants, who desires good for all His children and peace in their souls. Beware of the adversary of My Son who tries to put tares in everything in order to rob you of the peace and joy of being children of God. He puts this dark way of seeing things in you and gives them more importance than they really have. Life is full of contradictions and vicissitudes but not everything is negative, they are situations that make you stronger and help you to turn to God for all kinds of help.

In this life not everything can be perfect, there are days that are more negative than others, but the important thing is that you remain in faith and know how to offer God those somber days that discourage you so much and that submerge you in deep desolations. Children, turn to Your Redeemer, My divine Son, He endured much for your love and He will not leave you in these situations, because what He desires is that you live with His peace, the peace that comes from being children of God, but if you allow yourselves to be influenced by the tribulations as shocks that now come and now go and you do not stand firm in your position, the Evil One will play with your spirits as he pleases and he will maliciously beat you at his whim. I, your Mother, speak to you.

Here I am also ready to help you in everything. You are not asked to perform wonders or heroic deeds, only that you accept those days of darkness with simplicity and faith towards God, knowing that He is immutable and that He will not abandon you, not even if you were the greatest sinners, much less if you are souls of daily spirituality and wish to sanctify yourselves above all else. I, Mary, your Mother, speak to you.

Life is very short in comparison with the Hereafter which is eternal. Overcoming those trials that often come to you not only help you to deserve more but also help other souls to strengthen them, because everything that you accept for love of God and offer it, goes to the benefit of the Mystical Body.  Sometimes it is more important for the conversion of sinners to accept those dark days that come to you and that plunge you into desolation than to pray a Rosary. Therefore, children, do not burden yourselves, simply trust in the loving Father who sees you and who, from Heaven, knows how far you can go and how far you cannot go. I, Mary, your Mother, speak to you.
