The meaning of our divine filiation

St. Paul writes to the first Christians in Rome: Diligentibus Deum omnia cooperantur in bonum.... All things cooperate for the good of those who love God. "Do you not see that your Father-God loves Him..., and He is good..., and He loves you - you alone - more than all the mothers in the world can love their children? The sense of divine filiation leads us to discover that we are in the hands of a Father who knows the past, the present and the future, and who orders everything for our good, even if it is not the immediate good that perhaps we desire and want because we do not see further ahead. This leads us to live with serenity and peace, even in the midst of the greatest tribulations. That is why we will always follow the advice of St. Peter to the first faithful: Cast all your cares upon him, for he cares for you. There is no one who can take better care of us: He is never wrong. In human life, even those who love us most sometimes do not get it right and, instead of putting things right, they put things out of order. Not so with the Lord, infinitely wise and powerful, who, respecting our freedom, leads us suaviter et fortiter, gently and with a father's hand, to what really matters, to a happy eternity. Even the very faults and sins can end up being for the good, for "God straightens out absolutely all things for his (his children's) benefit, so that even those who stray and overreach he makes them progress in virtue, because they become more humble and experienced." Contrition leads the soul to a deeper and more trusting love, to a greater closeness to God.

Therefore, to the extent that we feel that we are children of God, life becomes a continuous thanksgiving. Even behind what humanly appears to be a catastrophe, the Holy Spirit makes us see "a caress from God" that moves us to gratitude. Thank you, Lord," we will say to him in the midst of a painful illness or when we hear of an event filled with sorrow. This is how the saints reacted, and this is how we must learn to behave in the face of the misfortunes of this life. "It is very pleasing to God to acknowledge his goodness by reciting a "Te Deum" of thanksgiving whenever a somewhat extraordinary event occurs, without giving weight to whether it is - as the world calls it - favorable or adverse: because coming from his Fatherly hands, even if the blow of the chisel wounds the flesh, it is also a proof of Love, which removes our edges to bring us closer to perfection".