God hears our petitions

The Lord taught us in many ways the necessity of prayer and the joy with which he receives our petitions. He himself prays to the Father to give us an example of what we should do. God knows well that every moment of our existence is the fruit of his goodness, that we lack everything, that we have nothing. And precisely because he loves us with infinite love, he wants us to recognize our dependence, for this awareness of our nothingness is for us a great good, which leads us not to separate ourselves for a single instant from his protection.

To encourage us in this prayer of supplication, Jesus wanted to give us all possible guarantees, while at the same time showing us the conditions that the petition must always have. And he gave arguments, he gave examples so that we could understand him well. The Gospel of the Mass presents us with the widow who cries out unceasingly before an iniquitous judge who is reluctant to listen to her1 , but who, because of the woman's insistence, will end up listening to her. God appears in the parable in contrast to the judge: will not God bring justice to his chosen ones who cry out to him day and night, and make them wait? If the one who is unjust and unrighteous decides in the end to do justice, what will the one who is infinitely good, just and merciful not do? If the judge's posture is from the beginning one of resistance to the widow, God's, on the contrary, is always paternal and welcoming. This is the central theme of the parable: divine mercy in the face of human destitution.

The reasons given by the judge in the parable for attending to the widow are superficial and of little consistency. At the end he said to himself: although I neither fear God nor respect men, since this widow is bothering me, I will do her justice, so that she will not continue to come and bother me. God's "reason", on the contrary, is his infinite love. Jesus concludes the parable in this way: Pay attention to what the unjust judge says: Will not God bring justice to his chosen ones who cry out to him day and night, and make them wait? And St. Augustine comments: "Therefore, those who pray to God with perseverance should be well assured, because He is the source of justice and mercy". If constancy softens the judge "capable of all crimes, with how much more reason should we prostrate ourselves and beseech the Father of mercies, who is God?"

The love of God's children must be expressed in constancy and trust, for "if at times he is slow to give, he makes his gifts more precious, he does not deny them. The attainment of something long awaited is sweeter? Ask, seek, insist. By asking and seeking you obtain the growth necessary to obtain the gift. God reserves for you what He does not want to give you immediately, so that you may learn to desire great things.  We must never be discouraged in our supplications to God. "My God, teach me to love! -My God, teach me to pray!". Both things coincide.
