Turn your work into prayer

Work should not only not take us away from our ultimate goal, from that watchful waiting with which the liturgy of these days wants us to remain alert, but it should be the concrete way to grow in the Christian life. For this, the Christian faithful must not forget that, in addition to being citizens of earth, they are also citizens of Heaven, and for this reason they must behave among others in a manner worthy of the vocation to which they have been called, always cheerful, blameless and simple, understanding with everyone, good workers and good friends, open to all authentically human realities: Finally, brethren," St. Paul exhorted the Christians of Philippi, "whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is upright, whatever is honorable, whatever is honorable, whatever is upright, whatever is lovable and praiseworthy, whatever is commendable, whatever is virtuous and praiseworthy, hold it in high esteem.

Moreover, the Christian turns his work into prayer if he seeks the glory of God and the good of men in what he is doing, if he asks for help at the beginning of his task, in the difficulties that arise, if he gives thanks after he has finished a task, at the end of the day..., ut cuncta nostra oratio et operatio a te semper incipiat, et per te coepta finiatur... so that our prayers and work may always begin and end in God. Work is the daily path to the Lord. "For this reason, man must not limit himself to making things, to constructing objects. Work is born of love, it manifests love, it is ordered to love. We recognize God not only in the spectacle of nature, but also in the experience of our own labor, of our effort. Work is thus prayer, thanksgiving, because we know that we are placed by God on earth, loved by him, heirs of his promises ".

Profession, a means of holiness for the Christian, is also a source of grace for the whole Church, since we are the body of Christ and members united to other members16. When someone struggles to improve, it favors all in their journey towards the Lord. Moreover, a job well done always helps the human welfare of society. "Sweat and toil, which work necessarily entails in the present condition of humanity, offer to the Christian and to every person who has been called to follow Christ the possibility of participating in love in the work that Christ has come to accomplish (cf. Jn 17:4). This work of salvation was accomplished through suffering and death on the cross. By enduring the fatigue of work in union with Christ crucified for us, man collaborates in a certain way with the Son of God in the redemption of humanity. He shows himself to be a true disciple of Jesus by bearing his daily cross (cf. Lk 9:23) in the activity he has been called to carry out".

In the exercise of our profession we will find, in a natural way, without wanting to set a chair, innumerable occasions to make known the doctrine of Christ: in a friendly conversation, in the commentary to a news item that is on everyone's lips, when receiving the confidence of a personal or family problem? The Guardian Angel, to whom we have recourse so often, will put in our mouths the right word that encourages, helps and facilitates, perhaps with time, a more direct approach to Christ of those who are around us at work.

This is how we Christians await the Lord's visit: by enriching our souls in our own work, helping others to set their gaze on a more transcendent goal. In no way by spending our time doing nothing or doing it badly, wasting the means that God himself has given us to earn heaven.

St. Joseph, our Father and Lord, will teach us to sanctify our chores, for he, by teaching Jesus his own profession, "brought human work closer to the mystery of Redemption". Very close to Joseph we will always find Mary.
