Work is one of man's greatest goods

The possibility of working is one of the great goods received from God, "it is a stupendous reality, which is imposed on us as an inexorable law to which we are all, in one way or another, subject, even if some try to exempt themselves. Learn this well: this obligation has not arisen as a sequel to original sin, nor is it reduced to a finding of modern times. It is a necessary means that God entrusts to us here on earth, extending our days and making us sharers in his creative power, so that we may earn our living and at the same time gather fruit for eternal life (Jn 4:36)".

Work is an ordinary means of subsistence and a privileged place for the development of human virtues: endurance, constancy, tenacity, a spirit of solidarity, order, optimism in the face of difficulties.... The Christian faith also urges us to "behave as children of God with the children of God "6 , to live a "spirit of charity, of living together, of understanding", to remove from life "attachment to our comfort, the temptation to selfishness, the tendency to show off", to "show the charity of Christ and its concrete results of friendship, of understanding, of human affection, of peace". Work will also be the means to bring many souls closer to Christ. On the other hand, laziness, idleness, sloppiness and poorly finished work have serious consequences. Idleness teaches many evils, for it impedes man's own human and supernatural perfection, weakens his character and opens the doors to concupiscence and to many temptations.

For centuries it seemed to many that to be good Christians a life of piety was enough, without any connection with the work done in the office, at the University, in the field.... Moreover, many had the conviction that these temporal chores, the profane affairs in which a man living in the world is immersed in one way or another, were an obstacle to finding God and leading a life of Christian fullness. The hidden life of Jesus teaches us the value of work, of unity of life, for by his daily work he was also redeeming the world. It is in the midst of these tasks that we try every day to meet the Lord (asking him for help, offering the perfection of what we have in our hands, feeling that we participate in Creation in what we do, even if it seems small and unimportant...) and to exercise charity (by cultivating charity, by cultivating a life of love, of love, of love, of love...). ) and exercising charity (cultivating the virtues of living together with those who are close to us, giving them those small services that are so appreciated, praying for them and for their families, helping them to solve their problems...). Do we treat the Lord in our ordinary work? Do we keep Him in mind?