Francis: “Baptised And Unbaptised Are Equal”

"Who is more important in the Church: the religious sister or the ordinary person, the baptised, the unbaptised, the child, the bishop? They are all equal, we are equal,” Francis said during his March 15 General Audience.

But Bergoglio does not explain that the unbaptized does not belong to the Church. He also does not clarify that the bishop is a successor of the apostles, for example, very different from a simple layman because he has the fullness of the priesthood.

In the Vatican, Francis practises an ideology of radical inequality, favouring some and disdaining others.

Francis also spoke of himself, “If you find a person in the Church who has a higher vocation and you see that he is vain, say, ‘Poor soul’, pray for him, because he has not understood what God's vocation is.”