The Lord loves us always

Lord: You are great and you do wonders, you are the only God. One of the greatest wonders is the love he has for us. He loves us with a personal and individual love, each one in particular. He has never ceased to love us, to help us, to protect us, to communicate with us; not even in the moments of greatest ingratitude on our part or when we committed the most serious sins. Perhaps, in those sad circumstances, we have received the most attention from God, as he shows us in the parables in which he wanted to express his mercy in a singular way: the lost sheep is the only one who is carried on his shoulders, the feast of the father of the family is for the son who squandered his inheritance but who was able to return repentant, the lost drachma is carefully sought by its owner until it is found.....

Throughout our lives, God's attention and love for each one of us has been constant. He has kept in mind all the circumstances and events through which we have had to pass. He is with us in every situation and at every moment: I will be with you always until the consummation of the world, until the last moment of our life.

So many times he has been with us! In joy and in sorrow, through what at first seemed to us a great misfortune, in a friend, in a co-worker, in the priest who attended us.... "Consider with me this marvel of God's love: the Lord who goes out to meet us, who waits, who places himself at the side of the road, so that we have no choice but to see him. And he calls us personally, speaking to us about our things, which are also his, moving our conscience to compunction, opening it to generosity, imprinting in our souls the illusion of being faithful, of being able to call ourselves his disciples".

As a token of love, he left us the sacraments, "channels of divine mercy". Among them, for receiving them more frequently, we thank him now in a special way for Confession, where he forgives our sins, and the Holy Eucharist, where he wanted to remain as a most singular sign of love for mankind.

Out of love he gave us his Mother as our Mother. As a manifestation of this love, He has also given us an Angel to protect us, to advise us and to lend us an infinity of favors until the end of our passage on earth, where He awaits us to give us the promised Heaven, a happiness without limits and without end. There we have a place prepared for us.

To Him we say, with one of the prayers of today's Mass: Lord, may the action of your Spirit in us penetrate our being intimately, so that one day we may come to the full possession of what we now receive in the Eucharist. And we thank you for so much Love, for so much attention, which we do not deserve. And we try to be inflamed with desire: Love is repaid with love. Poetically Francisca Javiera del Valle expresses this idea: "A thousand lives if I had them, I would give them to possess you, and a thousand... and a thousand... more I would give... to love you if I could... with that pure and strong love with which you, being who you are... love us continually".