Trump will suffer a 2nd Attack


Shocking prophecies about the attacks on Donald Trump revealed by Parravicini in 1938.
If God really acts in human history, and is not unconcerned about it, as we Christians believe, then it is legitimate to see His hand in what happens in the world.
We talked in another video about how he acted in preserving Donald Trump from dying in the July 13, 2024 bombing.
And he did not necessarily preserve him because Trump was a fervent Christian, but because it was better for his plans for him to stay alive.

And now we want to tell some prophecies of Parravicini, a personage of world fame for his successes, in which he predicts that Trump will suffer a second attack.
Here we will talk about and show Parravicini's prophecies that indicate that there will be a second attempt against Trump in a hypothetical second term, and the reasons why he would suffer it.
And we want to emphasize that this is not politics, I repeat it is not politics, but the description of prophecies that exist since the decade of the '40s, which would be close to come true or perhaps to fail; we will see it in the future.

Let us begin by clarifying something fundamental that is at the basis of Catholic doctrine.
God is the Lord of history, and He uses the pre-existing forces among men to obtain His ends.
For example, in the Bible it appears that He used the Babylonians and the Assyrians, pagan peoples and clear enemies of Him, to punish the Israelites, the people He wanted, correcting them for their disobedience    and sin. 
And the same thing happened with Trump, she did not let him die in the attack of July 13, 2024 because she is going to use him for her plans, regardless of whether he is a good or bad man, Christian, Catholic or atheist.
And everything seems to indicate that it was the Virgin Mary who acted in that case, which did not need Trump to be a Catholic or even a person of faith.

And we want to bring a series of prophecies of Parravicini, which suggest that there would be a second attempt against Trump, why, and what will happen next in the USA.
Benjamin Solari Parravicini was born in 1898 in Buenos Aires, he was a painter and sculptor who showed an unusual ability to foresee future events.
He was born into an aristocratic family, being the eldest of eight siblings.
From an early age Parravicini experienced visions during which he drew images accompanied by "prophetic" texts.
For this reason he became known as "the Argentine Nostradamus". 

He was a Sunday Mass light Catholic.
But the fact that he was not orthodoxly Catholic does not imply that God could not use him to bring messages to humanity.
In Mark 9 Jesus emphasizes that the work in His name should not be limited only to those who are part of the group close to Him.

These works of Parravicini, known as "psychographs", would become his posthumous work.
He created about a thousand "psychographies" from the 1930s to the 1970s.
And several of the predictions were related to events that occurred after his death.


He predicted the arrival of television, satellite communications, in vitro fertilization, that the first living being to reach space would be Laika.
He predicted the arrival of Fidel Castro in Cuba, the assassination of Kennedy, the atomic bombs of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the end of World War II, the fall of the towers that day 11 in the USA.
He predicted the resignation of Benedict XVI, the election of an Argentine Pope and that the Mass would become Protestant.
And it is currently being discussed whether President Milei is the Grey Man that he and Don Orione prophesied as the envoy who would renew Argentina.

Internationally there are certain psychographies that gave him relevance, one of the first is the one that says: "The freedom of North America will lose its light. Its torch will not shine as it did yesterday and the monument will be attacked twice".
He wrote this text in 1939, accompanied by a drawing of two towers being attacked.
And that happened in 2001.

He also prophesied the assassination of John Kennedy.
Parravicini identified the protagonists of his prophecies with a motto.
He identified Kennedy as the "golfer", because of his fondness for that sport.
And a psychograph would say: "An American golfer rules and is killed young".
This was in 1940, 23 years before Kennedy's assassination.
And in 1938, Parravicini made a psychograph where he wrote: "Beginning of the end! The North American Orchestra Man will be killed". 

And in the image you can see a covered stringed instrument and something that looks like a pierced ear.
Just as he identified Kennedy as the golfer, I would identify Trump as the one-man band.
Because Trump has the ability to capture the media's attention, wherever he goes.

He is a multi-faceted character: successful businessman, TV star, politician who captures the attention of the whole world.
He costed his campaign for president almost single-handedly and changed his campaign manager three times in 2015, ultimately being himself his campaign manager.
And the ear in the drawing is a concrete mention of the place where he was wounded by the bullet in the July 13 attack.

We only understand this now.
However, the psychograph's prophecy has not been fulfilled because it says he will be killed.
And Trump is still alive after that attack.

However, some experts in Parravicini's prophecies thought, since before the attack, that this hypothetical assassination would not occur during his first term, nor afterwards, but in a second term.
They infer this because the main instrument in the drawing has 4 strings and the second has only 2.
In other words, it would occur in the middle of a second term.
So this prophecy is yet to be fulfilled.

First he would have to be president, which remains to be seen if it happens.
Parravicini also gives hints about the motives behind the hypothetical assassination, from another of his psychographs, made in 1938.  

He says: "The social classes will rise, they will fight wars, the world will bleed and dictators will dominate, more will be killed. The world marches toward one government."
In his first term, Trump demonstrated leadership never before seen in the U.S., centralizing power in his figure absolutely.
Every decision and action came directly from him, cementing his image as the man who ran all aspects of government.
And psychographics suggests that this type of rulers will be killed because the world is marching towards a world government.  

Which would imply that there is a group in the shadows seeking a world government, and anyone who is not a part of it would be falling into the crosshairs of this power.
Trump's policy was to try to rebuild the U.S. from within, withdrawing it from international war conflicts, and stop operating as a gendarme of the world and world hegemony.
This would go against the powerful arms lobby and the interests of bankers, financiers and businessmen who do not accept this policy.

And furthermore, if we look closely at the text of this psychography, it says that the social classes will rise, which is a prediction of social unrest within the U.S., when the fatal attack happens.
And another psychograph by Parravicini, made in 1940, insists again on the subject of the assassination and the danger of losing the freedom and stability of the country.

It says: "North America will receive the right shot, it will make a political crime in change of direction, it will be resentful, its stability and freedom will be endangered".
And the enigmatic drawing shows a horizontal obelisk, which many attribute to a kind of fall of Washington, and presents a faceless figure in the sky and a Statue of Liberty, both pointing at each other, as indicating an alliance between them.

Foros de la Virgen