The Blackrock Connection


What do chemtrails, energy-directed wildfires, train derailments, toxic chemical spills, fires and explosions at food processing plants, and farmers complaining of poisoned chicken feed all have in common?

You could say they are all increasing, both in number and intensity. I would agree with you, although the fake news media claims we've always had this many train derailments and toxic chemical spills, it's just that we're noticing them more now. 

Fat, dumb Americans might buy that, but it seems to me that if this had been  happening during the Trump years, we'd have had the talking bots on television absolutely catatonic in reporting how everyone was going to die in Trump's "unsafe America."

And what about all those food processing plants going up in flames? What about farmers saying their chicken feed has been poisoned? What about the price of eggs?

Can You Spot the Connection?

Back in July of 2021, I wrote about all of the high-rise residential construction going on in my neighbourhood.  Huge apartment buildings ten to thirty stories high going up all over. It was bewildering at the time, because I thought the fake vaccine was going to kill us all. And if that happened, who would be left to occupy those buildings?

Well, the "vaccine" has done a pretty good job. Conservative estimates say over 2 million people worldwide have died from it and millions more have been injured. However, there are still a lot people left, and in my neighbourhood, the construction has increased tremendously since 2021. There are now tall residential apartment buildings going up all over. Who in the world is going to occupy them?

I put on my Sherlock Holmes deerstalker cap and did some thinking. Here's what I came up with: The seemingly huge increase in chemtrails, energy-directed wildfires, train derailments, toxic chemical spills, fires and explosions at food processing plants, and farmers complaining of poisoned chicken feed just might be a concentrated plan to force people away from rural areas and into the cities. 

And then once the people are in those cities, it won't take much to seal them off. All of the huge apartment buildings going up in my area just might be part of what Agenda 21 calls Human Settlement Zones aka Smart Cities.

You've heard of Smart Cities, right? Apparently, the powers that be want us all to live in urban areas of a few square miles, where cars are outlawed, everything you need is within 15 minutes walking distance, and nobody is allowed to leave. 


Something else I wrote about back in 2021, which also plays into this theory, was how the financial firm BlackRock was buying every single-family house they could find at 20-50% above asking price. I wondered why they would be doing that if everyone was slated to die from the "vaccine." However, if their intention isn't to sell or rent those houses, but only to make them unavailable in order for people to seek housing in cities, it suddenly makes more sense.

Maybe that's why all those 5G towers suddenly popped up out of nowhere, while the country was hunkered down in the bogus "lockdowns" of 2020. Apparently, 5G technology is a necessary component to the Smart Cities.

Now I'm wondering if there's a way to see what locations around the country had the most vaccine-induced deaths. If it turns out that there were more people killed from the jab in rural areas compared to urban areas . . . Well, that just might add more weight to my theory.

What do you think? Could the country's infrastructure collapse we see happening all around us be a ploy to force everyone to live in Smart Cities? And if that happens, will you eat the bugs and be happy?