The risen Jesus appears to his Mother -Maria Valtorta

Mary is now prostrate on her face to the ground. She looks like a poor dejected being. She looks like that flower of which he has spoken, that flower dead from thirst.

The closed window opens with an impetuous beating of the stout leaves, and, under the first ray of the sun, Jesus enters.

Mary, who has been shaken by the noise and who raises her head to see what gust of wind has opened the window, sees her radiant Son: beautiful, infinitely more beautiful than when He had not yet suffered; smiling, alive, more luminous than the Sun, dressed in a white that looks like woven light. And she sees Him advancing towards her.

Mary straightens up on her knees and, folding her hands on her breast, says with a sob that is laughter and weeping: "Lord, my God". And she remains in rapture, contemplating Him with her face washed all in tears, but serene now, calmed by the smile and the ecstasy.

But He does not want to see His Mother on her knees like a servant. And He calls her by stretching out His Hands to her, whose wounds emanate rays that make His glorious Flesh even more luminous: "Mother! And it is not that sorrowful word of the colloquies and farewells before the Passion, nor the heartbroken lament of the encounter on Calvary and of the agony. It is a cry of triumph, of joy, of liberation, of celebration, of love, of gratitude. And he bends down to his Mother, who does not dare to touch him, and puts his Hands under her bent elbows, raises her to her feet, presses her to his Heart and kisses her.

Oh, then Mary understands that it is not a vision, but that it is her Son really risen; that it is her Jesus, the Son who continues to love her as Son! And, with a cry, she throws herself on his neck and embraces him and kisses him, laughing and crying. She kisses Him on the forehead, where there are no longer wounds; on the head, which is no longer disheveled and no longer bleeding; on the eyes, which are now shining; on the cheeks, which are now healthy; on the mouth, which is no longer swollen. And then he takes his Hands and kisses the backs and palms, on the wounded radii. And, with a sudden impulse, she stoops to his Feet, removes the glittering garment that covers them, and kisses them.

Then she rises, looks at Him, dares not....

But He understands and smiles. He lightly removes her dress at the chest part and says:

-And this sore, Mama, don't you kiss it; this one that has made you suffer so much and that only you are worthy to kiss? Kiss me in my

Heart, Mother. Your kiss will erase the last memory of all that means pain, and will give me that joy that is still missing in my Joy of the Risen One.

And He takes His Mother's face in His hands and rests Her lips on the lips of the wound in His side, from where streams of living light flow. Mary's face, immersed in that torrent of rays, appears haloed by that light.

She kisses, kisses, while Jesus caresses her. She never tires of kissing. She looks like a thirsty person who has glued her mouth to the fountain and from the fountain she is drinking that life that was escaping her.

Now Jesus speaks.

-It's all over, Mama. You no longer have to weep for your Son. The ordeal is consummated. Redemption has taken place.

Mother, thank you for having conceived me, raised me, helped me in life and in death.

I have felt your prayers coming to me, they have been my strength in pain, my companions in my journey in this world and beyond this world; your prayers have been with me on the Cross and in Limbo. They were the incense that preceded the Pontiff who was going to call his servants to take them to the temple that does not die: to my Heaven. Your prayers came with me to Paradise, preceding as an angelic voice the procession of the redeemed led by the Redeemer, so that the angels would be ready to greet the Conqueror who was returning to His Kingdom. The Father and the Holy Spirit have heard and seen them, and have smiled upon them as upon the most beautiful flower and the sweetest song born in Paradise. The Patriarchs and the new Saints, the new, first, citizens of my Jerusalem have known them. And I bring you their "thank you", Mama, together with your parents' kiss and their blessing, and that of your soul-husband, Joseph.

All Heaven intones its hosanna for you, my Mother, holy Mother! A hosanna that does not die, that is not false like the one people intoned for me a few days ago.

Now I go to the Father with my human figure. Paradise must see the victor in that figure of Man with which He has conquered the Sin of Man. But then I will return. I must confirm in Faith those who do not yet believe and need to believe in order to lead others to believe; I must strengthen the little ones, who will need much strength to resist the world.

Then I will ascend to Heaven. But I will not leave you alone. Mom, do you see that veil? Even in my despondency, I have radiated miraculous power for you, to give you that consolation. And for you I fulfill another miracle. You will have me, in the Sacrament, real as when you carried me within you.


You will never be alone. In these days you have been. But My Redemption also required this pain of yours. Much is to be continually added to the Redemption, for much will be continually created in the order of Sin. I will call all my servants to this redemptive coparticipation. And you are the one who alone will do more than all the saints put together. That is why this long abandonment was also required.

From now on, no longer. I am no longer separated from the Father. You will no longer be separated from the Son. And, having the Son, you have our Trinity. You, living Heaven, you will be the bearer of the Trinity on Earth, in the midst of men, and you will sanctify the Church, you, Queen of the Priesthood and Mother of Christians.

Then I will come to gather you. And it will no longer be I in you, but it will be you in Me, who, in My Kingdom, will make Paradise more beautiful.

Now I am leaving, Mother. I am going to make the other Mary happy. Then I go up to the Father. Then I will come to the one who does not believe. Mother, your kiss for a blessing, and my Peace to you for company. Farewell.

And Jesus disappears in the sun, which streams down from the serene morning sky.