The Vatican must intervene

There has been “a great instrumentalisation” of homosexual abuse to introduce a homosex agenda, Cardinal Gerhard Müller told (April 3).

German oligarch media “talk about cases of paedophilia committed by priests while remaining silent about those committed in sport, universities, or politics where the percentage of crimes is higher.”

On homosex “blessings”, Müller said that it is a “clear heresy,”

“It is not within the competence of any Pope to change Revelation and the basis of Christian and Catholic morality. Least of all can an episcopal conference do so. These are acts against the Church.”

Müller stresses that the CDF must intervene in Belgium and Germany, “Perhaps they [= Francis] no longer wanted me as prefect precisely because I would have intervened.”

On Cardinal Roche’s sectarian believes that “the theology of the Church has changed” as seen in the liturgy, Müller replied that he is “not happy with this statement.”

On the Roman Mass, Müller would “apply the line of Benedict XVI.”

He asks why Rome [= Francis] reacts against Catholics for being allegedly enemies of Vatican II with all authority while there are bishops in Germany who openly deny Vatican II and while “there is practically no reaction” the blessing of practicing homosexuals.