Bergoglio's letters with the heretic jesuit

June 14, 2023

New letter from Francis to pro-homosexual activist James Martin

(6 times Bergoglio thanks the Jesuit for his work destroying Catholic sexual morality in a letter of only 9 lines), as many times as he omits to pronounce Christ in his pamphlets and diatribes.

New award, the third, with which the pro-homosexual James Martin boasts of the support given by Francis to his nefarious actions. The Outreach website, a "ministry" created by Martin, publishes a letter Francis sent him, introducing it as follows.

In a letter dated May 6, 2023, Pope Francis has sent greetings to attendees of the Outreach LGBTQ Catholic Ministry conference, to be held at Forham University in New York City, June 16-18. The handwritten letter, sent to James Martin, S.J., editor of Outreach, thanks him for "all the good you are doing," and promises his "prayers and good wishes" to all conference participants.

The letter in question:


R.P. James Martin, SJ 

Dear Brother, 

Thank you very much for your mail. Thank you for all the good you are doing, Thank you! 

I pray for you, please do it for me. 

I send warm greetings to the members of the meeting at Fordham University. I thank you for forwarding them to them. In my prayers and good wishes are you and all those who work at the (pro LGBT) Outreach Conference. 

Again, thank you, thank you for your testimony. 

May Jesus bless you and the Holy Virgin watch over you. 

Fraternally yours,
