Bill Gates' most Machiavellian goal

GMO MEAT? Bill Gates now spending tens of millions to genetically modify livestock

(Natural News) Through a program called UKAid, billionaire eugenicist Bill Gates is funneling millions into efforts to genetically modify (GMO) the world’s livestock, particularly in poorer countries since Gates has a fetish for trying to destroy the least among us.

Gates claims his efforts are all about helping more animals survive so children in Africa and South Asia have more access to meat, dairy, and eggs. The truth, of course, is that Gates wants to destroy food animals by genetically reprogramming them, making their meat, eggs, and dairy toxic for human consumption.

Gates himself would never eat a GMO animal – no, those are for the poor people. And he is spending a lot of money to make it happen. (Related: Bill Gates hijacked “humanitarian aid” years ago and turned it into a vehicle for pushing his GMO agenda.)

The Exposé speculates that Gates is also trying to seize hold of all food sources for the world’s poorest, tying this latest UKAid scheme to the “One Health” agenda of EcoHealth Alliance’s Peter Daszak, Jeffrey Sachs, and Tony Fauci.

One Health is a program of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and Davos to allow a total globalist takeover of agriculture management, including both livestock and plants, as well as the lands where wild animals live.

Gates is directly involved in this attempted takeover, having visited Scotland in 2018 to announce the launch of a new global “food security” scheme, which a local professor described this way:

“[It’s] not just about agriculture and food supply systems but about politics, governance, conflict, environmental change – so many different aspects of it.”

Bill Gates thinks livestock needs a chemical boost with “vaccines or better genetics”

In addition to wanting to tamper with the DNA of livestock animals, Gates is also hellbent on injecting them with even more vaccines in order to give them “better genetics.”

In Gates’ view, God failed to provide livestock animals with the level of genetic excellency that Gates imagines he can create with pharmaceuticals and DNA tampering.

“The Gates Foundation has partnered with DFID [UK Department for International Development] on a great number of things,” Gates announced. “And among those are work we do together on livestock helping animals survive either by having vaccines or better genetics.”

At one point, Gates pledged $40 million to create a “super cow,” which he says can “end world poverty.” Various media sources reported this as Gates attempting to crossbreed cattle, quoting him saying the following:

“Livestock is magical. You can sell the output and that’s money for school fees. You can keep the output and that’s diet diversification.”

So far, Gates has funneled $182.4 million into a program called the Global Alliance for Livestock Veterinary Medicines (GALVmed) that seeks to exploit the world’s livestock for his vaccination and DNA-modification endeavors.

One glaring reason why we know this is all a farce is the fact that Gates remains a diehard proponent of “plant-based” dietary regimens. He invested in Beyond Meat and has been part of the anti-meat “green” agenda for quite some time – while at the same time, we are told, advocating for more meat consumption for poor people.

No, the only kind of meat Gates wants poor people eating is tainted meat. That is what all this money is going towards: destroying the global livestock supply with chemicals so it is no longer edible for the common man.

“One theory for a push for genetically modified (“GMs”) life forms could be to enable ownership of crops and livestock,” reports The Exposé.

“Another theory for GM life forms could be to ‘sanitise’ the planet and make it less biodiverse, and less complicated.”