Christ gives himself to each of us personally

My heart submits itself completely to you, and surrenders itself totally in contemplating you.

We must not be disconcerted by sensible appearances. Not everything real, not even all the created realities of this world, are perceived by the senses, which are a source of knowledge, but at the same time a limitation of our intelligence. The Church, in her pilgrimage through this world towards the Father, possesses in the Holy Eucharist the Second Person of the Most Blessed Trinity, whom the senses do not perceive, who has assumed the Most Holy Humanity of Christ. The Word became flesh to dwell among us and make us sharers in his divinity. He came for the whole world, and would have become incarnate for the least and most unworthy of men. St. Paul questioned this reality with joy, and said: the Son of God loved me and gave Himself for me. Jesus would have come into the world and suffered for me alone. This is the great reality that fills my life, we can all think. In the economy of Redemption, the Eucharist was the providential means chosen by God to remain personally, in a unique and unrepeatable way, in each one of us. With joy we sing in the intimacy of our heart: Pange, lingua, gloriosi Corporis mysterium.... Sing, my tongue, the mystery of the glorious Body and precious Blood, which the King of the nations, Son of a fruitful Mother, poured out to redeem the world.

Jesus is not hidden. We see him every day, we receive him, we love him, we visit him..... How clear and diaphanous is his Presence when we contemplate him with a clean gaze, full of faith! Let us think about how we are going to receive communion, perhaps in a few minutes or a few hours, and let us ask God our Father to increase the faith and love of our heart. Perhaps we can use that prayer of St. Thomas with which perhaps we have prepared ourselves to receive Jesus on other occasions: "Almighty and everlasting God, I come to the sacrament of your only-begotten Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, as a sick man to the physician who will give him life; as one who is unclean, I come to the fountain of mercy; blind, I come to the light of eternity; poor and lacking in everything, I present myself to the sovereign Lord of heaven and earth. I beg your immense generosity to heal my sicknesses, to purify my stains, to illuminate my darkness, to enrich my misery, to clothe my nakedness. Most sweet Lord, grant that I may receive the Body of your only-begotten Son, born of the Virgin, with such fervor that I may be intimately united to Him and counted among the members of His mystical Body".