Greta Thunberg said the world would end Wednesday

Doomsday: Five years ago Greta Thunberg said the world would end Wednesday

Thunberg has made headlines around the world by sailing across the Atlantic Ocean in a zero-emissions sailboat. 

People should be saying 'how dare you' to Swedish climate change activist Greta Thunberg after she predicted in 2018 climate change would wipe out the world on Wednesday. 

“A top climate scientist is warning that climate change will wipe out all of humanity unless we stop using fossil fuels over the next five years,” said Thunberg in a since-deleted tweet. 

Thunberg linked to an article from Grit Post about Harvard University atmospheric chemistry professor James Anderson warning in 2018 climate change is pushing Earth back to the Eocene Epoch from 33 million BCE — when there was no ice on either pole. 

Anderson said current pollution levels depleted atmospheric ozone levels to those not seen in 12 million years.

While some governments made commitments to reduce carbon emissions, he warned the measures were insufficient to stop the extinction of humanity because of climate change. Instead, he's calling for a Marshall Plan-style endeavour in which all of the world takes extreme measures to transition off of fossil fuels within the next five years.

The Packard Network CEO Bret Packard mocked Thunberg for her inaccurate prediction. 

“Such a scam artist — watch out, I think she just graduated from high school — LOL,” said Packard. 

American business attorney and consultant Roger Doumanian said it was comedy hour. 

“Everyone is trying to play God,” said Doumanian. 

Thunberg released her book, called the Climate Book, in the United States and Canada in February.