It is Jesus of Nazareth who passes through our streets

One day as Jesus was leaving the city of Jericho to continue on his way to Jerusalem, he passed by a blind man who was begging alms by the roadside. When he heard the noise of the little procession accompanying the Master, he asked what it was. And those around him answered, "It is Jesus of Nazareth passing by.

If today, in so many towns and villages where the ancient custom of carrying Jesus in procession to the Sacrament of the Blessed Sacrament is practiced, someone would ask, hearing the murmur of the people, "What is it? "what is it?", "what is happening?", one could answer with the same words that were said to Bartimaeus: it is Jesus of Nazareth passing by. It is He Himself, who walks the streets receiving the homage of our faith and our love. It is He Himself! And, like Bartimaeus, our hearts should also light up to cry out: Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me! And the Lord, who passes by blessing and doing good9 , will have compassion on our blindness and on the many evils that sometimes weigh heavily on our souls. Because the feast that we celebrate today, with an exuberance of faith and love, "wants to break the mysterious silence that surrounds the Eucharist and give it a triumph that goes beyond the walls of the churches to invade the streets of the cities and to instill in every human community the sense and joy of the presence of Christ, silent and living companion of the pilgrim man along the paths of time and earth. It is logical that the songs that accompany Jesus in the Sacrament, especially on this day, should be songs of adoration, of love, of profound joy. Let us sing to the Love of loves, let us sing to the Lord; God is here, come, let us adore Christ the Redeemer.... Pange, lingua, gloriosi... Sing, tongue, the mystery of the glorious Body of Christ....

The solemn procession that is celebrated in so many towns and cities of Christian tradition is of very ancient origin and is an expression with which the Christian people give public testimony of their piety towards the Blessed Sacrament. On this day the Lord takes possession of our streets and squares, which piety in many places carpets with flowers and bouquets; for this feast magnificent Custodies were planned, which become richer the closer the decorative elements are to the consecrated Form. Many Christians will accompany the Lord in procession today, who goes out to those who want to see Him, "making Himself known to those who do not seek Him. Jesus thus appears once again in the midst of his own: how do we react to this call of the Master (...).

"The Corpus Christi procession makes Christ present in the towns and cities of the world. But this presence (...) should not be a one-day thing, a noise that is heard and forgotten. This passing of Jesus reminds us that we must also discover him in our ordinary activities. Alongside that solemn procession of this Thursday, there must be the quiet and simple procession of the ordinary life of every Christian, a man among men, but with the joy of having received the faith and the divine mission to conduct himself in such a way as to renew the Lord's message on earth (...).

"Let us therefore ask the Lord to grant us to be souls of the Eucharist, that our personal relationship with him may be expressed in joy, serenity and the desire for justice. And we will make it easier for others to recognize Christ, we will contribute to placing him at the summit of all human activities. Jesus' promise will be fulfilled: "When I am exalted above the earth, I will draw all things to myself (Jn 12:32)".

Hablar con Dios