NASA measured the radiation of the consecrated host

Father Robert DeGrandis relates an extraordinary event about the power of the Eucharist and its divine light: I remember the story of a man who became a priest at the age of fifty, after having been a research scientist at NASA and working with a camera that could calibrate the aura of light around a human body. I think it's called Kirlian photography. NASA's interest was in being able to identify and monitor the aura of astronauts in orbit and determine what was happening to them internally. They found that dying people have a very thin aura like blue light, which gets fainter and fainter until the person dies.

The scientist and his assistant were in a hospital one day, monitoring the aura of a dying man. As they watched him, another man entered the room and filled the room with a light, emanating from his pocket. The man pulled out something that caused the chamber to be flooded with light to the point that they were unable to see what was happening. They went to look and discovered that the man was giving communion to the dying man. They then observed in their chamber that when the dying man received communion, his aura began to grow and become stronger.

This scientist knew that there was a higher power, quit his job, and became a Catholic priest7.

Certainly, Christ is the light of the world, who illuminates our path and gives us his love and peace. Therefore, if we are wise and intelligent enough to understand what it means that Jesus himself awaits us in the Eucharist, our soul will shine, for God himself tells us that the wise will shine with the splendor of the firmament (Dan 12:3). And for the saints a splendid light shines (Sap 18:1). This happened to Moses. God spoke to Moses face to face as a man speaks to his friend (Ex 33:11). And, after he had been 40 days and 40 nights with God on Mount Sinai, receiving the commandments of God's law, his face had become radiant because he had been talking with God. Aaron and all the children of Israel, when they saw how Moses' face shone, were afraid to come near him (Ex 34:29-30). Therefore, if we approach Jesus in the Eucharist to receive the rays of light and love that come from the tabernacle, we will emerge radiant, with the joy of God in our hearts. This is what He Himself promises us when He says: Behold the Lord and you will be radiant (Ps 33:6).

7 DeGrandis Roberto, Sanación a través de la misa, Ed. AMS, Bogotá, 2003, p. 163.