Some aspects of mortification. Conditions


In the first place, we must keep in mind the so-called passive mortifications: to offer with love that which comes to us without waiting for it or which does not depend on our will (heat, cold, pain, to be patient in the face of a wait that lasts longer than expected, a sudden reply that disconcerts us...). Along with the passive mortifications, those that tend to facilitate coexistence (to make an effort to be punctual, to listen with true interest, to speak when an uncomfortable silence is felt, to be affable always overcoming moods, to live with delicacy the usual rules of courtesy: to thank, to apologize when we have unintentionally disturbed someone...) and work (intensity, order, to finish the task with perfection, to help and facilitate the task to others...). Mortification of the intelligence (avoid critical attitudes that lack charity, mortification of curiosity, do not judge hastily) and of the will (fight with determination against the disordered love of self, avoid conversations centered on us, on what we have done, on our things, on what personally interests us...). Active mortification of the senses (of sight, of taste, living sobriety and offering a small sacrifice that costs us at meals...). Mortification of the sensibility, of the tendency to "have a good time" as the first objective of life.... Interior mortification (useless thoughts that delay the path of holiness..., in a very particular way when these thoughts appear in prayer, at Holy Mass, at work).

Let us examine in the presence of God if we can truly say with joy that we lead a mortified life. If every day we have mastered the body, if we have offered to the Lord, with redemptive eagerness, the pain and the setbacks that, in some way, are always present on every path. If we are truly determined to lose our lives - step by step, little by little - for the love of Christ and the Gospel.

Our mortification and penance in the midst of the world has a number of qualities. In the first place, it must be joyful. Sometimes," commented that sick man consumed with zeal for souls, "the body protests a little, it complains. But I also try to transform "those complaints" into smiles, because they are very effective "16. Many smiles and kind gestures should be born - if we are mortified - in the midst of pain and sickness.

Continuous, that facilitates the presence of God wherever we are, that helps us to carry out a more intense and finished work, and leads us to maintain more amiable social relations, where the apostolic spirit is always present.

It should be discreet, gentle, full of naturalness, to be noticed by its effects in ordinary life, with simplicity, rather than by some not very normal manifestations in an ordinary member of the faithful.

Finally, mortification must be humble and full of love, because we are moved by the contemplation of Christ on the Cross, to whom we desire to unite ourselves with our whole being; we want nothing if it does not lead us to Him.

In mortification, as on Calvary, we find Mary: let us place in her hands the concrete resolutions of this time of prayer, and let us ask her to teach us to understand in all their depth the need for a mortified life.