Surrogate father encouraged by Pope now under suspicion of abuse

Marley returned to Rome and the Vatican with his son and took the opportunity for the little boy to meet the Pope. At the moment of showing Marley and his son's walk, the production of Por el Mundo took the opportunity to share the images taken months ago and share the papal message.

At the time Marley had told him: "I'm nervous because I'm going to be a single father" and the pope had told him: "What happiness when you have that child. May that child bring you the grace of tenderness. May that child give you tenderness".

(On October 27, 2017, in Chicago, United States, his son Mirko Wiebe was born, through surrogacy. Marley chose the egg from a Russian donor and the womb from an African-American.)

You can see the full article on the Vatican in the following video and the interview with the pope at minute 4.15:

What the complaint against Marley for child sexual abuse says

A young man from Misiones initiated legal action against Marley for sexual abuse that the host allegedly committed in Pilar when the victim was a minor.

What does the complaint against Marley for child sexual abuse say?
A man filed a formal complaint last Friday with the police, and later with the courts, in Misiones in which he accused the host Alejandro Wiebe, better known as Marley, of child sexual abuse that occurred "many years ago" in a house in the Buenos Aires district of Pilar.

Sergio Ramirez, lawyer of the complainant, confirmed to the site El Destape that the cause against Marley will be annexed to the one of corruption of minors and human trafficking for which the ex-producer of "Big Brother" Marcelo Corazza is detained together with Francisco Rolando Angelotti Notarbartolo, Raul Ignacio Mermet and Andres Fernando Charpenet.

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Meanwhile, the text of the police report was released, in which it is stated that the victim was able to identify at least two "famous drivers" in an instance in which the sexual abuse would have occurred.

"I wish to state that on a trip I made to the province of Buenos Aires, more precisely to the town of Pilar, in a country house, I do not remember nor can I specify the exact date, but it was many years ago, I saw and recognised the famous drivers: MARLEY and MARCELO CORAZA, the first was called 'el porteño' and the other: 'el bonito'", reads the formal presentation made by the victim, now of age, whose identity is withheld.

The complaint was made on 2 June last to the Regional Unit II of Oberá, Misiones, but it is already on its way to Comodoro Py, where federal judge Ariel Lijo is hearing the investigation involving Corazza, Mermet, Angelotti Notarbartolo and Charpenet in an alleged network of human trafficking for the purpose of sexual exploitation.