Act according to conscience

There is an episode in the Gospel that shows us the way of acting of some Pharisees who were not characterized by their love for the truth. As Jesus was passing through the Temple courts, the chief priests, the scribes and the elders came to him and asked him: By what authority do you do these things? Who gave you power? The Lord is willing to answer their question if they show sincerity of heart. He asks their opinion about John's baptism: whether it was from Heaven, and therefore enjoyed divine approval, or whether it was only from men, and as such deserved no further consideration. But they do not give him their authentic opinion, their opinion in conscience. 

They do not ask the truth about this question, the judgment it deserves in their heart. They rather analyze the consequences of their possible answers, seeking the one that best suits the present situation: "If we say of Heaven," 

they think, "it will say: why have you not believed in it? But if we say that the baptism of the Forerunner was of men, the crowd would be all over us", because they all considered John to be a true prophet.

Despite being religious leaders, they are not men of firm principles capable of informing their words and deeds. "They are "practical" men, they are engaged in "politics". As far as their interest or comfort is concerned, their reasoning is intelligent. But they are unwilling to go further in their reasoning: they are men in whom comfort has taken the place of conscience. " Their rule of conduct was to follow what was most expedient

and most convenient on every occasion. They do not act according to truth. That is why they say: We do not know. It did not interest them to know it, much less to say it. The reaction of Jesus is very significant: Then neither do I tell you by what authority I do these things. It is as if he were saying to them: if you are not willing to be sincere, to look into your hearts and face the truth, dialogue is useless. I cannot talk to you and you cannot talk to me.

We would not understand each other. The same thing happens every day. "The person whose life is not governed by sincerity, by a habitual willingness to face the truth or the demands of conscience-no matter how uncomfortable or hard they may be-is categorically removed from any possibility of divine communication.

He who is afraid to face his conscience is afraid to face God, and only those who face to face with God can have true dealings with Him. " It is not possible to meet God without this radical love of truth. Nor is it possible to get along with people in authentic coexistence.

Love for the truth will lead us to be sincere first of all with ourselves, to maintain a clear conscience, without deceit, not to allow it to be clouded by admitted errors, by guilty ignorance, by fears of deepening the personal demands that truth carries with it. If, with the help of grace, we are honest with ourselves, we will be honest with God, and our life will be filled with clarity, peace and strength."You read in that dictionary the synonyms of insincere: "ambiguous, deceitful, deceitful, sly, cunning"....-You closed the book, while you prayed to the Lord that those adjectives could never be applied to you, and you proposed to refine yourself even more in this supernatural and human virtue of sincerity "

Hablar con Dios