Adoration and thanksgiving

Although all Christ's acts were redemptive, there is, however, in his life a singular event that stands out above all, and to which all are directed: the moment in which the obedience and love of the Son offered to the Father a sacrifice without measure, because of the dignity of the Offering and because of the Priest who offered it. And it is He who remains in the Mass as the principal Priest and Victim truly offered and sacramentally immolated.

In the Holy Mass, the fruits that look immediately to God, such as adoration and thanksgiving, are always produced in their infinite fullness, without depending on our attention, nor on the fervor of the priest. In every Mass,In every Mass, adoration, reparation and thanksgiving of boundless value are infallibly offered to God, because it is Christ himself who offers it and who offers himself. Therefore, it is impossible to adore God better, to recognize his sovereign dominion over all things and over all men. It is the most complete realization of the precept: You shall worship the Lord your God and Him only shall you serve.

It is impossible to make a more perfect reparation to God for the daily faults committed than by offering and participating with devotion in the Holy Sacrifice of the Altar7. It is impossible to thank him better for the goods received than through the Holy Mass: Quid retribuam Domino pro omnibus quae retribuit mihi... How shall I repay God for all the benefits he has had with me? I will raise the chalice of salvation and invoke the name of the Lord

What a great opportunity to thank God for all the good things we receive..., for sometimes it is possible that we forget to thank God for his gifts, so many and so many; it can happen to us like the lepers cured by Jesus....

"Adoration, reparation and thanksgiving are infallible effects of the sacrifice of the Mass that look to God himself, " since it is God himself who offers and offers himself. What a great honor it is for priests to lend Christ their voice and hands in the Eucharistic sacrifice! What greatness it is for the faithful to be able to participate in such a great Mystery!

"Tell the Lord that henceforth, every time you celebrate or attend Holy Mass, and administer or receive the Eucharistic Sacrament, you will do so with great faith, with a burning love, as if it were the last time of your life.

Hablar con Dios