Homosexualist Fernández in Hot Water

 Homosex Abuse: Homosexualist Fernández in Hot Water

Victor Fernández - Francis’ man in charge of destroying the Faith who writes erotic/homosex poetry - was a defender of a homosex abuser, according to media reports.

When he became Archbishop of La Plata in June 2018, Fernández learned of Father Eduardo Lorenzo, a parish priest already accused of homosex abuses.

In February 2019, a minor homosex abuse complaint against him re-surfaced. Fernández sided with Lorenzo who denied the allegations (“slanders, insults and defamations”), while Fernández called the allegations a “crude battle to ridicule” Lorenzo.

In September 2019, two more alleged victims came forward. Fernández did nothing. Only in October, as pressure mounted, did he remove Lorenzo “for health reasons.”

In December 2019 Lorenzo committed suicide, hours after a judge issued an order for his arrest. By then, five victims had come forward. Fernández released a statement, saying that Lorenzo had killed himself “after long months of enormous tension and suffering”.

According to BaTimes.com.ar, Lorenzo was friends with the homosexual Julius Grassi, one of Argentina’s most notorious abusers, who was sentenced to 15 years in prison. Lopez was Grassi's confessor.

Grassi was also a friend of Cardinal Bergoglio who reportedly spent $1M to keep him out of prison, buying “expert opinions” to protect Grassi.

Francis lied into the camera about his involvement in the Grassi case.
