In magic and Satanism: "A spirit entered me."

For 10 years, Nelly Gyllant suffered from "supernatural manifestations" before her return to faithReiki master, explored Satanism and voodoo... and had to be "liberated": "A spirit entered me."

Since she was a child, Nelly Gillant delved into the world of spiritualism and New Age: after hitting rock bottom, she heard a providential invitation to regain her faith.

Conversion to Catholicism Satanism Occultism

For ten years, Nelly Gillant reached the pinnacle of success in Reiki and the New Age. Her clientele grew steadily, as did her income and her "mediumistic powers," performing "healings" while watching even her voice change unintentionally. As her life was falling apart and "a force" was "trapping" her, she sought help from various Christian denominations, as long as they were not related to Catholicism. One day, God himself called her to leave everything for the Church and her family.

Journalist Briggite Bedard spoke with Gillant for the Canadian newspaper Le Verbe about a story that begins with the death of her mother with depression after several suicide attempts.

Devastated at the age of 9, obsessed with knowing where her mother was and lacking answers, she decided to search for them with the help of her sister's boyfriend, who initiated her into spiritualism.

Although she admits that Jesus and the Virgin were at first a reference for her, she began to follow gurus and oriental masters and temporarily the sect Mahikari True Light, widely present in Japan and the European set.

In voodoo, magic and Satanism

At the age of 20, he read Divine Science Church member Emmet Fox and his bestseller The Sermon on the Mount. "It opened my eyes. I had a vision of Christ reaching out his hand to me saying 'follow me' and I felt his presence for a whole week," she says.

Happy for the "peace and joy" he found in that experience, when he faded away he thought he would come back if he read the Bible. But that sensation was not repeated. It was his last contact with Christian doctrine and the Bible, which he closed for the next two decades. Thus arose a void that he began to try to fill with voodoo, magic, Satanism and practices such as cartomancy and divination, the reading of runes or the pendulum.

He soon began to gain advanced and mysterious skills in new age and spiritualism and decided to move to Quebec because of the facility it offered in occult training.

Supernatural Manifestations": "A spirit entered me".

He first graduated in hypnosis, which he applied to a growing clientele seeking to solve their problems. Then she went through the stages of studying reiki to become a teacher and joined the ashram school - Hindu monastery - of Mahavatar Babaji, seeing how "strange supernatural manifestations permeated her day to day life.

His peak in the new age and spiritualism came in this school and its yoga techniques, aiming to reach the so-called "fifth dimension" spiritual: a supposed state of expansion of consciousness that is reached through meditation and other techniques.

A yoga class. 

Shortly after she began conducting sessions with clients combining yoga, reiki and hypnosis, Gillant began to suffer supernatural episodes for which she had to be released. 

She says that one day she managed to reach that state: "Babaji's spirit entered me. I felt an incredible outpouring of love. How could I think it was wrong?" she asked herself.

Although at the time she was convinced that "to believe that God was incarnated, that he is true God and true man was unthinkable," she had no problem accepting the spiritualist doctrines, which were increasingly taking shape in her life. After reaching the fifth dimension, he tells how his mediumistic abilities increased tenfold, his clients increased and how in the sessions his voice changed involuntarily.

Pleading to Mary, "Deliver me!"

"A power emanated from my hands. Today I know it was a force that gripped me and made me believe I was in control," she recalls.

But as she said, Jesus was always present, she even thought also in reiki. Something he became convinced of when he learned about Holy Fire Reiki, a new current that claims to be the closest to God and Christianity. "We didn't tell the students", but "as I always loved Jesus, I told myself that I had finally found the true Reiki".

Nothing could be further from the truth. "I was like in a parallel world, all day long I was listening to mantras," and her three-year-old daughter would come to irritate her. [Until one day] I fell to my knees and begged the Virgin Mary: 'Deliver me, improve my relationship with my daughter.

Over the next few days a sudden aversion appeared in Nelly to meditations, mantras and quartz, while her massage therapist recommended she attend a Bible study group. But "impressed" at first, she soon dropped out when she heard that Jesus is the only mediator between God and man.

Dreaming of the Truth: "Jesus is my son".

After praying to God asking to know the truth, she had a dream in which she heard, "Jesus is my beloved son. The only one.Kneel down and confess that He is Lord." This was not the answer she wanted to hear either: "I didn't want to follow Jesus. I wanted to open my reiki center.

In the midst of an internal debate, Nelly went to a Baptist church and then to an evangelical church looking for answers, which led to a first change in her life.

"With my clients I only talked about Jesus, they left with Bibles.I had read about the gifts of the Holy Spirit and thought that if I could get them, I could do healing like reiki," he explains.But on the other hand, his financial needs prevented him from giving up his dedication.She became increasingly aware that "the spirits" were "oppressing" her and she knew that it is not possible "to work with energies like that and get away with it".From deliverance to grace: "Gentleness, love and peace."

After undergoing deliverance prayers at a Pentecostal church where she sought help, Gillant assures how the spirits ceased their influence and she made a resolution, "It's over."The experienced reiki master canceled all scheduled appointments with clients, threw hundreds of objects and books in the trash and sought to be received into the full faith with baptism, albeit with reluctance toward a church she considered "idolatrous."That last barrier disappeared when she visited a Catholic chapel and, looking at a nun praying, thought she was "going to hell". Then he heard a voice: "Who are you to judge my Church? These women are here of their own free will, in praise and adoration for me. It's a sign of heaven on earth!".

When she looked at the nuns again, her perception was totally different.Now they "sang like angels," she thought as she fell to the floor in tears. Then the priest invited him to kneel before the Eucharist."What I felt [when I saw him] was madness. A sweetness, a love, a peace... to the point that I knelt down," he recalls.It was the last stage of a conversion that culminated in the summer of 2020, with the reception of communion, confirmation, marriage and the baptism of his daughter.

"Before, all my time was spent seeking enlightenment and family was second. Today, my first vocation is my marriage."Years gone by, today she knows she was "naïve" to think she could go into the New Age without consequences. "I was talking to spirits, but since my goal was to heal and do good, I thought God was okay with that," she explains.