Now that homosexual activists openly run the Church...

I expect the following heretical actions to happen at the Synod on Synodality: 1) A false exegesis of scripture will be presented, wrongly asserting that Biblical writers knew nothing about the modern sense of homosexuality. And therefore, the divinely mandated condemnation and prohibitions against sodomy don't apply. 2) An apology will be given for the Church's past condemnation of homosexual sex acts 2) The designation of homosexual sex acts as intrinsically disordered will be overturned, possibly replaced by the term 'differently ordered' 3) The Catechism of the Catholic Church's paragraphs condemning homosexuality will be declared unacceptable, and will be changed 4) The blessing of homosexual pairings will be permitted 5) The prohibition of openly homosexual persons training to be priests will be overturned 6) Priests and religious who are homosexuals will be encouraged to 'come out' to their congregations and communities 7) Lay people who openly live as homosexuals will be welcomed to participate in the life of the Church, including all professional bodies such as education St. Peter Damian. Ora pro nobis St. Charles Lwanga & companions. Orate pro nobis