Bergoglio, what do you intend?

Bergoglio has plenty of time to continue to write anti-Catholic pamphlets, to destroy Opus Dei, to censure the Mass of all times, to affirm that God loves all religions, to include in the Acts of the Apostolic See the approval of the bishops of Buenos Aires to allow communion to the recluse, to say that homo civil unions must be legitimized, to meet -with weeks of difference- with highly suspicious characters who pursue the ruin of humanity such as Soros JR, Tedros, Kerry and Clinton, and to give interviews left and right on TV, books, magazines and radio. But he lacks time to put order in the mess he himself has created or allowed, which is growing and multiplying in the Church, threatening it with death.

There is no doubt that the man is trying, in vain, to acquire the popularity he is losing because of his wrongdoing... now he is launching another ecological diatribe. But is anyone going to read it? His friends are not in the mood because their efforts are concentrated on fighting the faith, and those who already know where he stands are not going to fall into the trap either. Only the elite media are giving him free propaganda to strengthen him as a religious leader.

What does he want?


Francis told lawyers from the Council of Europe on August 21 that he was writing a second part of Laudato Si "to update the current issues.”

He praised alleged commitments to protect “the earth, our common home,” and the “willingness to work for the development of a normative framework for the protection of the environment.”

In March, Francis had called for an “end” to the “era of fossil fuels.” The Vatican's 3000 employees [and others] are entitled to purchase up to 300 litres of tax-free fuel per month at Vatican petrol pumps, amounting to about 11.48 million litres per year.

The Vatican will also mark September as an “ecumenical season of creation” to promote the climate change tyranny.