Francis quotes a great blasphemer

Saramago Masonic Signs

During a meeting with the authorities in Lisbon on August 2, Francis quoted the Portuguese polemicist José Saramago (+2010) by saying, “What gives true meaning to an encounter is the search, and you have to go a long way to reach what is close.”

In Portugal, Saramago is the epitome of blasphemy and hatred of the Church. An atheist and unrepentant communist, Saramago wrote “The Gospel According to Jesus Christ” in 1991.

Braga Archbishop Eurico Dias Nogueira (+2014) called it “an insult to believing Christians. Predictably, the book expresses Saramago's dirty imagination.

He imagines fornication between his “Our Lady” and his “St Joseph”, including his “God the Father” mixing his seed with his “Joseph's”. He, obviously, denies virginity to his “Our Lady’s”.

Saramago’s “Jesus” meets “Mary Magdalene” in a brothel, and the lives with her thereafter in concubinage. His "Jesus" is full of doubts and rebellious against his “God Father”, who is vindictive, choleric, and impatient with his son's existential problems.

Samarago’s pseudo-Jesus says on the cross, “Men, forgive him [= God Father], for he does not know what he is doing” (etc.).

No wonder, Saramago was awarded the ridiculous Nobel Prize. Bergoglio doesn't seem to know better sources to drink from.