The cult and devotion to Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament

The practice of the Church of adoring Christ present in the Tabernacle has been constant. If the Israelites had such reverence for that Tent of meeting in the desert, and later for the Temple in Jerusalem, which were anticipatory figures or images of reality, how can we not honor Christ, who has remained with us forever in the Tabernacle? In the early centuries of the Church, the main reason for keeping the Sacred Species was to render assistance to those who were prevented from attending Holy Mass, especially the sick and dying, and those imprisoned for the faith. The Sacrament of the Lord was brought with unction and fervor so that they too could receive communion. Later, the living faith in the presence of Christ led not only to frequent visits to the place where it was reserved, but also gave rise to the cult of the Blessed Sacrament. The authority of the Church has constantly ratified and enriched it: "Christians," declared the Council of Trent, "render to this Blessed Sacrament, in adoring it, the worship of worship due to the true God, according to the custom always accepted by the Catholic Church".

 God Himself gives Himself, defenseless, into our hands: what a great lesson for my pride! And, with the confidence that grows from having him there, so close, we ask the Lord for his grace to submit our ego to his Will....

We learn to love close to the Tabernacle; there we find the necessary strength to be faithful, the consolation in moments of pain. He always waits for us and rejoices when we are -even if it is only for a short time- close to Him. In the Tabernacle Jesus waits for people who are so often mistreated by the harshness of life, and he comforts them with the warmth of his understanding and love. At the Tabernacle, those words of the Lord become daily more relevant: Come to me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Let us not fail to visit Him. He waits for us, and he has many good things in store for us.