The Sacrament of Confession seen by Hell

June 18, 1977 

E = Exorcist 

B = Beelzebub


E: Say what the Blessed Virgin says, in the name...!

B: The Sacrament of Penance... that is something! Those collective absolutions, those penitential ceremonies do not come directly from the Pope. Nor has he said that they take the place of a true confession. That is an invention of ours (the demons). Without a true Confession, people lose all moral conscience. As a result, they sin much more. They think:

“If one is not obliged any more to kneel in a confessional facing a simple old fellow in a soutane... if one is not obliged to tell one's business... life will be much easier. Then it will be much easier to allow oneself a little slip, or to place an amorous kiss or two on the cheek of a married person. One will no longer be obliged to tell that to a “crow.” They, up there, do not like the use of the word “crow”. But for us, in that situation, they are filthy rubbish and “crows”.

People think also: “Now one will no longer be obliged to kneel down humbly and confess: “Look here, I did this, and I did it a second time, I have been living with this woman, and with this one who is married”: They think quite simply:

“Today, one is allowed to do that.” “The priests themselves say that one only has to go to penitential ceremonies and everything is forgiven. Why then, should huge penances and great acts of humility be imposed upon us? Now we can sin much more easily. We kneel as we please up there at the front, or down there at the back, and we let them give absolution in the penitential ceremonies for our share of the sins. Then we will be forgiven, since the priest says so.”

The priest also says that now the penitential ceremony replaces Confession - that is what is happening. And then you believe that in the penitential ceremonies people do exactly what they should do to make a true confession. You believe that the five or six “B's” still take place, for example “Beten – Besinnen –... Ah! We would rather not say that!

E: “Beten - besinnen - bereuen - bekennen - buszen” (Prayer - examination of conscience - firm purpose (or contrition) - confession - penance (or satisfaction)

B: (“Buszen”) Penance: not only should they carry out their penance, they must also make satisfaction for the punishment due for their sins. They could do that through many, many indulgences. Then the 300 days, or 7 years - or whatever else - would be applicable to them just as the Pope formerly granted these indulgences. These indulgences are still valid today! But the people do not know that. It should be proclaimed again from the height of all the pulpits.

E: In the name of the Father, continue, say what the Blessed Virgin wishes!

B: She (he points upward) says that the penitential ceremony never replaces Confession. We have already had to say that. Never does it replace a confession - far from it. True, complete, sincere Confession must be brought back to its rightful place. This should be proclaimed from the height of all the pulpits.

E: In the name... tell the truth as you must, as the Blessed Virgin wishes! Say what you have to say about Confession!

B: Men should prepare much better for Confession. It would not be too much to spend a whole hour in preparation. On the subject of Confession in particular we (demons) are very knowledgeable. We tempt men in all sorts of ways. We strive to ensure that they do not have true contrition.

If we do not succeed, and if repentance takes possession of the man, we then come, preferably with three more demons,[48] and we put pressure on him, so that he does not have a desire to improve. With many of them, we also see to it that they do not completely recognize all their sins. For that, we deploy particular demons.

When all these stages have been gone through, when the penitent has prayed well to the Holy Spirit, has acknowledged his sins, has examined his conscience and has been sorry for his sins - sorrow for sin is the main part of Confession - then we set to work on the firm purpose and strive for him not to make a firm purpose and thus receive fewer graces. When a man makes a firm purpose about his predominant fault, he receives special graces. He chooses to tell the priest his predominant fault. This is an act of humility, and where there is humility there can be certain graces, which do not come without it.

When the man has not been caught by us and has reached the last stage and has entered the confessional after having made a firm purpose,... then we bring in the last demons so that, at the last moment... at the moment of confessing his sins... he may be overcome by a great fear, so much that he would rather not confess them... even if it is only a matter of venial sins. With grave sins, it is assuredly more fatal not to confess them. If, indeed, one knowingly keeps silent about grave sins, one cannot obtain the state of grace. But even with venial sins which are known, but not confessed, fewer graces are received. Then there is less tendency to change or amend one's life.

When we have reached this stage with pious people - this happens particularly with pious and very pious people - and when the penitent is kneeling in the confessional and has truly said everything to the priest, according to his soul and to his conscience -even better if he has added God knows what - then the Confession is good.

In speaking of adding “God knows what”, I mean that there are people who accuse themselves of faults or of sins when they are not completely sure that these are sins. If in spite of that, they tell them to the priest, which often requires a great deal of humility, they are more at ease afterwards. Through this humility and this openness, they obtain even more supplementary graces (he grumbles pitifully). Such a Confession is good - it is worthy of the name of Confession. Then the penitent receives the great, the deadly (for us demons) absolution: EGO TE ABSOLVO... Ah, how we hate that! Even today, we hate it!

(In a calm voice). But we no longer have to fear individual absolution so much. Now the penitential ceremony has replaced Confession, and now that the Sacrament of Penance is no longer so prevalent... Ah! Once again, how we were forced to say that!

She up there (he points upward) says that it should be proclaimed from the height of all the pulpits that the return of true Confession is required. A penitential ceremony is not a Confession. A penitential ceremony is a mass demonstration; it is a kind of stage setting which gives the illusion that everything is forgiven and pardoned. ;

(We say) Go home with an easy mind, receive the Lord's Body with an easy mind. You have peace in your souls.[49] You can be tranquil.

That represents a terrible loss for Those up there. Such a way of seeing things is very harmful for men. Naturally, not for us. The more respect disappears, the more we celebrate.