WYD urges not to consume meat for a year

World Youth Day: Interreligion, Climate-Religion And and Dash of Catholicism

World Youth Day Organizers recommend on their website Lisboa2023.org to visit a synagogue (Sinagoga Shaare Tikvah), mosques (Mesquita Central de Lisboa, Centro Ismaili), and a Hindu temple (Templo Radha-Krishna) in Lisbon. 

Among planned events is a ceremony entitled "Tree Planting for Religions" (August 2) to "represent harmony in the difference between the great religious traditions of humanity." This fits in the Neo-Cardinal Aguiar's rejection of the need to convert young people.

Pilgrims are also urged to give up meat for a year to offset their socalled "carbon footprint” to be “the most sustainable World Youth Day yet. Of course, no call to abstinence as the Church understands it and for higher motives, since the Bishop of Lisbon said categorically that it is not intended to convert anyone either to the Church or to Christ.

Homosex religion is presented by homosexualist James Martin, a Jesuit, who announced his participation as a speaker on World Youth Day.

At the same WYD, there is a daily Mass in the Roman Rite in Lisbon (July 29-August 6) in the parish São Nicolau.