Bergoglio replaces the destroyer Carballo


Francis has named Archbishop José Rodríguez Carballo, 70, the controversial second man in the Congregation for the Religious as coadjutor archbishop to Mérida-Badajoz, Spain

• attributes to Rodríguez the miracle of making the Franciscans poor – through his financial scandals when he was their superior (€20M dissappeared).

• Having shown that he could ruin one order, Francis promoted him to the Vatican – as one of his first appointments in 2013 - to ruin other orders as well.

• In 2013 he ruined the Franciscans of the Immaculate, and later many religious communities, especially nuns.

• Francis has now dropped him, sending him at 70 to a peripheral archdiocese with no successor appointed at the Vatican.

• writes that Francis wants to replace Rodríguez with a token woman